Hypocritically Yours - Hayley Faiman Page 0,84


Bethie snorts. “Girl. He gives no fucks if your shit leaks, in fact, I think he likes it. I mean, he looked worried, but he did not look angry in the slightest. He adores you, both of you. It’s obvious as all hell.”

“What am I going to do if he gets any visitation or custody, Bethie?”

She lifts her eyes to meet mine. Tears blur my vision and they start to fall, but then more come and it doesn’t matter if I wipe them away because even more come.

“What?” she rasps.

“I don’t even know his name,” I admit.

I’m still gripping one of her hands, she reaches for my other one and we both cry. My tears are big and fat, the sounds leaving my throat are almost animalistic. Bethie is a much prettier crier than I am and suddenly a wave of jealousy washes over me.

Eventually, we both calm down. Naturally, Bethie does before me. As I wipe the tears from my eyes, I shake my head.

“What do I do?” I breathe.

Bethie shakes her head as she stands. Turning around in my seat, I watch her as she makes her way into the kitchen and grabs a couple bottles of water from the fridge. She comes back and places one in front of me and the other she twists the cap off and guzzles half of the bottle.

“Okay. This is what we’re going to do,” she begins.

“We can’t kill him, I don’t even know his name,” I grumble.

She lets out a chuckle, shaking her head. “I want to, but no. This is what’s going to happen,” she begins again. I lean forward, my eyes wide. “You’re going to let Landry handle this. He has it, babe. He’s got it under control and he’s got the money to keep it that way.”

Pressing my lips together, I lean back. “I can’t let him do all of that. I just can’t. This is my problem and I need to fix it myself.”

Bethie snorts. “This is a problem that his wife created.”

“Yes, and if I wasn’t living with a married man, there would be no wife to create anything. Therefore, it’s all on me. I’m such a hypocrite, Bethie.”

Her eyes widen. She lets out a snort. “How the hell are you a hypocrite?”

My gaze flicks to the side and I lift my eyes to look out the window into the back yard. “I don’t even remember my dad. He cheated on my mom, over and over. While she was pregnant with me, he was practically living with another woman and then just one day, never came home and she never saw him again.

“I vowed that I would never be with a married man, not ever. Look at me now. I’m a hypocrite and this is my punishment,” I whimper.

Bethie stands to her feet. Her fists slam down on the card table, causing my head to jerk up. My eyes widen as I look into her blue fiery ones.

“Fuck that,” she spits. “I have heard from Laurent himself that Susan Astor has been cheating and carrying on affairs with men for decades. You are not being punished. She’s just a first-class cunt.”

“Bethie,” I gasp.

She shakes her head, narrowing her eyes. “I’m serious. She really is. Any woman who would do this to another is just that and you are not being punished. She’s going to get hers and you’re going to let Landry give it to her, even if it costs him a million dollars.”


I’m carrying a bag of food and walking through the front door of the house when I hear Bethie’s voice all around me. She’s yelling, they’re in the kitchen, but because we don’t have furniture or anything, her voice is bouncing off of all the walls and echoing everywhere.

My feet move faster throughout the house, until I’m in the kitchen and I see them. I can only see the back of Tennessee’s head, she’s sitting down, but it’s Bethie who is leaning over and her gaze is fierce as she speaks.

“She’s going to get hers and you’re going to let Landry give it to her, even if it costs him a million dollars.”

I can only assume that they’re talking about Susan. My lips twitch at her words. “I would spend a fuck more than a million dollars to give Susan exactly what she deserves,” I growl.

Tennessee turns around quickly, Bethie lifts her head, her eyes finding mine and her face pales. My lips turn up into a smile as I set the

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