Hypocritically Yours - Hayley Faiman Page 0,74

is cold. Throwing my legs over the side, I stand shakily and make my way to the bathroom.

Once I’ve taken care of business, washed my hands, and splashed some water on my face, I go in search of a pair of panties, a tank top, and the long open cardigan that I have decided to use as a robe. Slipping my cell phone in the pocket of the cardigan, I can’t help but smile at this life of mine.

Walking down the hall to Holden’s room, I’m not surprised to see that it’s empty. I take a good long look around his room again and sigh. It’s so perfect for him.

I know that Landry didn’t design every aspect of the space, but just the fact that he wanted a place for Holden, a comfortable place in his new home, that means more than anything in the whole world to me.

My whole body jerks when my phone starts to ring in my pocket. Looking at the caller ID, I grimace at the sight. It’s my mom. I have been really short with her and super, super, vague. I wasn’t sure if I should tell her about Landry, so it’s been really hard to keep the secret, which is why I’ve kind of been avoiding her as much as possible lately.

“Okay, missy. I’m ready to talk. You’re going to tell me what is going on, and I’m not taking no for an answer. If you don’t tell me, I’m going to get in my car and drive down there,” she snaps before I can even greet her with a hello.

Climbing over the baby gate, I make my way downstairs in search of my men. “Something has been going on,” I admit.

“I know it has. I just don’t know what, care to elaborate?”

My mom is good and pissed off. She’s used to knowing everything about my life, at least for the past three years she has. I’m okay with that because at the end of the day, my mom is my best friend. She helped me through a time in my life where I’m not sure we would have survived without her.

Walking into the kitchen, a smile instantly curves on my face at the sight in front of me. Landry and Holden are sitting at the breakfast table and there is a big pink box of donuts in the middle along with two paper cups of coffee and a small square paper milk container.

“You hungry, honey?” Landry calls out.

“Tenny,” my mom practically shrieks. I open my eyes wide and hiss.

Landry looks to the phone at my ear, then to my face, then his lips curve up into a shit-eating grin, a look that he tends to wear often around me.

“I met someone,” I mutter.

My mom is quiet for a moment. Then she clears her throat. “I heard. Care to tell me who he is.”

“You’re probably not going to like it much,” I say, admitting something aloud that I haven’t even admitted to myself yet.

The fact is, Landry is older than she is and I don’t think she’s going to easily accept it. Not by a long shot. I’ve been far too nervous to even attempt to explain it to her, but it needs to happen. I need to tell her the truth. If I don’t, it will eat at me. If she finds out from anyone other than me, she might drive down here and kill me herself.

“I probably won’t, but you’re going to tell me,” she snaps.

Clearing my throat, I watch as Landry holds his hand out for me. My feet carry me over to him immediately. Sinking down on his thigh, I let out a sigh and I decide to tell her quickly. Like ripping a Band-Aid off.

“You remember Landry Astor?” I ask.

Landry lets out a rumble behind me.

“Tenny,” my mom snaps.

“I’m moving in with Landry. We’re together and he’s really great. I’m falling in love with him and he treats me and Holden so great.”

Landry’s body shakes beneath me. Turning my head, I look over my shoulder at him. He is smiling beneath his beard, his teeth white and gleaming as he watches me. My mother is silent on the other end, and just when I think that she’s possibly hung up on me, she speaks.

“You must be joking, Tennessee,” she says, her voice low.

She’s angry, really angry. I can’t remember the last time that she used my entire name before. Pressing my lips together, I look down at my bare

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