Hypocritically Yours - Hayley Faiman Page 0,61

What will happen if you can’t take your clients or your employees, what happens if it doesn’t all work out?” I ask.

“Are you worried about your job?”

Turning my head, I look over at him. I wasn’t worried about my job, not until he asked. “I wasn’t, but now I am,” I admit with a laugh. “I was just thinking about you. What happens to you if it doesn’t work out?”

He doesn’t speak right away. Instead, he continues to drive. He’s still holding my hand as I stare at his profile and wait for a response.

“Do you think that I’m going to be broke?” he asks.

Pressing my lips together, I look out the front windshield. “I don’t know and I don’t care, but I also am not naïve to think that you can start a brand new career, so I’m worried about you and your future.”

The car is suddenly jerked to the side and he pulls into a grocery store parking lot, shifting the gear into park before he turns to me. His amber eyes look heated, his face is serious, his jaw is clenched beneath his beard as he watches me.

“If I could fuck you right now, I would. Right here in this parking lot.”

I blink, then I burst out laughing. “Why?” I ask.

Finally, he grins, his eyes crinkle at the sides and it causes my heart to flutter and my belly to flip at the sight. I don’t know why it’s so sexy, but it is. Maybe because I know he’s smiling a real smile. Not a smirk, not a lip twitch, but an actual smile.

“You’re worried about me. Not my money, not yourself. But me.”

Lifting the hand that he’s not holding, I cup his jaw and slide my thumb along the apple of his cheek. “I honestly just want to make sure you’re going to be okay, Landry. None of the other stuff matters. I’m just worried about you. Only you.”

His lips turn up into a huge smile and I watch, my own smile forming on my lips. “I’ll be fine. Susan didn’t take my offer of the cash, which was kind of dumb, but that’s on her. I have plenty, enough that I could retire immediately without ever having to worry about money the rest of my life. I am worried about my employees though, so I’m going to try to get a new office ready before the divorce is officially final, that way it’s a quick transition.”

“God, why do you have to be so nice?” I ask.

“I’m not.”

Shaking my head, I lick my lips. “You are. You really, really are.”

Landry grunts, then tilts his head to the side. “You told me you wanted my divorce final before we started anything. I pursued you anyway. I pursued you, knowing that you’re forty years younger than me. Forty. I didn’t care. I still don’t care. You’re going to outlive me, by a lot, but I’m selfish as fuck. I’m not nice at all, Tennessee. I’m selfish. There’s a big difference.”

“Do you think that I have zero free will?” I snap. He blinks, his eyes widening at my sharp tone. “I know you’re older than me. I know that you’re married. I couldn’t fight whatever we have, just like you couldn’t. You didn’t deceive me, you didn’t trick me. I have wanted every single thing you’ve done to me, and more. I want it all, Landry. I want everything.”

He’s quiet for a moment, his gaze searching mine, then he turns his head and touches his lips to my palm before he shifts his gaze back to meet mine.

“You have it, Tennessee. You have everything.”

“All I need is you. You’re my everything,” I admit.

I shouldn’t even be thinking that. I haven’t known him long enough for him to be anything more than a casual and budding romantic partner. But I can’t deny that what I feel for him is far from casual or budding. It feels like we’re in the thick of it all.

His lips twitch. “You got me, honey.”

Chapter Twenty-Two


One week passes, then another. I’m sitting across from Bethie at what I consider to be our café. She’s smiling across from me, her cheeks bright pink. Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I lean forward, full of excitement for her.

“Was it good?”

“The best,” she sighs. “Every time it’s better than the time before. I’m falling for him and last night just solidified my feelings.”

Last night Laurent took her out on his boat. They went for a sunset ride

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