Hypocritically Yours - Hayley Faiman Page 0,53

a little man plows into my legs. Looking down, I smile at Holden. He tips his head as far back as he can to look at me.

“Andry,” he practically cries.

Bending down slightly, I scoop him up into my arms and blow a raspberry against his neck which causes him to break out into a fit of giggles before I set him down in a chair. Tennessee appears with plates and a plastic cup of milk for Holden.

Opening the donut box, she practically squeals when she sees the contents. I didn’t know what she wanted, so I got a variety. Apparently, I did something right. The sight of her excitement over food makes me smile. She is a breath of fresh spring air—everything about her makes my lips turn up into a grin.

“Which one is yours,” she asks, not even looking at me.

I smile to myself. “Plain old-fashioned,” I murmur.

“Plain? Like plain cake?” she asks, sounding almost horrified.

Wrapping my hands around her hips, I guide her over to my thigh and tug her down. She looks over her shoulder at me with a smile. “Would it be cheesy if I said that I had all the sugar I needed right here?” I ask.

“Extremely,” she says with a giggle.

I hum, touching my lips to her exposed shoulder. “Then, I’ll just tell you that plain old-fashioned has always been my favorite. Even when I was a kid.”

“Odd kid,” she mutters. I can’t help but chuckle.

Tennessee begins to place the donuts on the plate. I watch as she gives Holden a plain glazed and a glazed with sprinkles, but then she takes a butter knife and cuts them both in half, putting part of each back in the box.

Then she slides his plate over to him before she places a plain old-fashioned on my plate and slides it over to me. I don’t look away though, I watch her as she grabs a chocolate cake, with chocolate frosting and chocolate sprinkles for herself and a maple bar.

She slides my coffee over to me and places hers in front of herself. I keep waiting for her to jump up off of my lap, but she doesn’t. And that is how we spend our first morning as an unofficial family. Tennessee perched on my knee, Holden next to her, and me, smiling.

Honestly, aside from being with my own children, I don’t think I’ve been this happy ever in my life.

I know it makes me less of a man, and a really shitty husband that I’m having these thoughts, but Susan and I were never like this. Not even when we were dating. She was always trying to impress, and never was herself, or maybe that’s her true personality, I don’t really know.

She stopped talking to me around the time I slid a ring on her finger. I kept hoping that things would change, but they never did. Then, the cheating started and I checked completely fucking out as a husband, which I think she was relieved about. Now she’s pissed off because I’m breaking free and she sees it as a way to damage her social status, something I couldn’t give a flying fuck about.

“Landry?” Tennessee asks.

I hum, turning my head and forcing the thoughts about my past out of my mind. “Do you want to go to the park with us after breakfast?”

The way she asks, she sounds almost scared and definitely hesitant. Sliding my hand around her waist, I pull her against my chest a little tighter. “I’d love nothing more, honey.”

“Okay,” she breathes.

We eat our donuts as we chat about her life before here in Tulsa. We shower and unfortunately, it’s separately. Then we pack up a bag and head downstairs and toward the park.

All the while, I spend the day getting to know more about Tennessee and Holden Bradley and everything I learn makes me fall that much deeper, for both of them.

Chapter Nineteen


I watch Landry walk by and give me a wink before he slips into his office. The entire time, I wonder if he’s human. Is he even real? After taking us to the park on Sunday we went back to my place and put Holden down for a nap. Then we didn’t rest one bit and I wasn’t sorry in the least. Another two orgasms, then an early dinner together, and my Sunday was absolutely perfect in every way.

Now, it’s Monday and I was a bit nervous that things would be weird between us. That the office would feel

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