Hypocritically Yours - Hayley Faiman Page 0,5

widen with wonderment at the sight.

Another step, then another, I force myself to continue moving. I don’t have time to run away, I don’t have the money or any other prospects either. This has to happen, and I should probably feel guilty that my mom called her old friend to get my foot in the door, but I can’t. Not if it gets me the only thing I’ve worked this hard for in my entire life, the only thing that I have wanted so badly that I can taste.

This job. This company. This is what I’ve always wanted. I’ll do just about anything to get it.

Flicking my gaze to my left, I see a woman sitting behind a large counter. The front is sleek black, not a single fingerprint mars the glossy exterior. One foot in front of the other, I make my way closer to the counter.

The top is made of white granite or marble, it’s perfect and gorgeous. I wonder offhandedly if this is the place I could work. I would take it, I would love it. To be able to greet people all day, be the first smiling face they see.

“May I help you?” the woman greets, her voice syrupy sweet and fake all at the same time.

Lifting my gaze from the white countertop, I give her a shaky smile. “I have an interview for the intern position?” I say, my voice shaky and unsure.

“Do you?” she asks, arching a brow.

I blink, taking a step back. “Ummm.”

She rolls her eyes. “Don’t answer a question with a question. You’re here for an interview. If you want this job, you need to be confident. There are other people who are walking in there acting as if the job is already there’s. Get it together, girl.”

My lips part slightly in awe as hers curve up into a grin. “I’m Bethanie, by the way. Most of my friends call me Bethie.”

“I’m Tennessee, most people call me Tenny.”

“I dig it, cute name. Last name? I need to look you up and check you in.”

I tell her Bradley and chew on the inside of my cheek as she touches some buttons on her computer keyboard. My palms start to sweat again as nervous butterflies flit throughout my stomach.

Pinching my eyes closed, I inhale a deep breath, then let it out before I open my eyes. “Oh my,” she breathes.

Flicking my gaze to hers, I gulp. I don’t even get an opportunity to ask her what she means, she stands and licks her lips.

“You’re to be taken directly to Mr. Astor’s office himself. I’ve never actually been up to his office before. Wow, this is kind of a thrill. You totally have this job, girl. Shoulders square, back straight.”

I watch as she rounds her counter, a smile plastered on her lips. “Follow me,” she says with a wink.

She’s dressed so much nicer than I am. She’s wearing a navy-blue skirt suit with a hot pink blouse beneath the jacket and leopard print high heels. Her blonde hair is slicked back and worn in a high ponytail. She’s not quite as tall as I am, but has curves for days where I’m more straight, tall, and lean, no matter what I do.

I feel stupid walking behind her. My discount skirt, with my even larger discounted white shirt tucked inside. My low-heeled pumps are nowhere near as nice as hers, or nearly as tall. She looks elegant, while I look exactly like what I am, a little girl playing dress-up.

We ride the elevator in silence, then as the door pings open and we begin to walk through the next room, she asks me where I’m from.

“Tulsa,” I murmur.

She stops, turning back she looks at me with a grin. “Don’t tell anyone here you’re from Oklahoma, they’ll make fun of you relentlessly,” she warns.

As if I’m not nervous enough, she has to say that. My entire body trembles and she turns her back to me and starts to walk again.

“I’ve never actually been on this floor before. It’s so awesome, even the carpeting is plush and expensive,” she says practically swooning. “Mr. Astor’s office is at the end, I hear he has a huge window, floor to ceiling so that he can look down at the city.”

“How is he?” I ask softly.

She shrugs a shoulder, looking back at me with a smirk. “I have no idea. I’ve only ever seen him walk past my counter, but that man is hot. He makes me tingle in all the

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