Hypocritically Yours - Hayley Faiman Page 0,133

the idea that immediately slides inside of my head. Is she in on it with Susan? No… couldn’t be… she hates Susan.

“I’m on my way, I’m landing in fifteen,” I shout.

“I’ve got an officer there to bring you out to the site. It’s going to take you about forty minutes to get here. We’re rolling out now.”

“Where is she?” I demand.

The track on Tennessee’s phone took far too long. I wish that it could have all happened faster, but I suppose I should be grateful that it’s all done now. They know where she is and they’re on their way to get her and Holden.

I’m nervous. No, I take that back. I am flat out terrified of how I’m going to find her. The condition she’s going to be in, mentally and physically, along with Holden. Then there’s the simple fact of, who has actually done this? I have my suspicions, but will it be this easy? Will she go down for this, or will this be another Aaron Anderson situation?

The pilot announces that we’ll be descending soon. “She’s in a forest area. It’s not Susan’s parents’ place, but it’s in the name of a company. I haven’t been able to find the owner.”

“Bet I know who it could be,” I growl.

“I have my suspicions, but I haven’t had time to research. Just hurry.” He ends the call and my stomach twists.

The plane takes the longest fifteen minutes on fucking earth to land, but when it does, I don’t waste a second. My luggage is still in the hotel room, I don’t need to be on this plane a second longer.

Running down the stairs, I dash toward the unmarked blacked-out police car with the uniformed and suited men waiting for me. They dip their chins, the suited one taking a step toward me.

“I’m Detective Campbell,” he offers, reaching out to shake my hand.

I grasp his palm in mine and give him a quick, firm, shake. “Landry Astor,” I say.

He nods his head once. “It’s going to take about forty minutes for us to get there, I’ll brief you on the way?”

Jerking my chin, I reach for the handle of the door and jump in the back seat. The uniformed officer and Detective Campbell climb inside as well, and thankfully the officer doesn’t waste any time at all, he puts the pedal to the metal and speeds out of the airport.

Detective Campbell tells me that thankfully Tennessee had her phone on, so they were able to pinpoint her location. She’s in a house, in the middle of a wooded area, in a subdivision that has very large parcels of land, and this house she’s in, the property butts up to a lake.

“Fuck,” I hiss.

“Do you have any idea who could be involved with this? Hansen has told us his theory, but I’m curious as to who you think that it could possibly be?”

I don’t even have to think about it. I don’t even have to take a breath, I know exactly who is involved without a doubt.

“Susan Astor, my ex-wife,” I state.

He nods his head. “Just her?” he asks.

I don’t know if he’s trying to make me seem suspicious or not, but it doesn’t matter because I know that I’m innocent.

“Her and whatever man she paid to help her, that’s how she operates. I never thought that she would hurt someone like this. I didn’t think it was possible. She’s selfish and money-hungry, but I figured she’d just try to ruin me financially in the divorce, not attempt to hurt another person.”

Chapter Forty-Seven


Detective Campbell doesn’t say anything right away, in fact, he doesn’t say much the rest of the ride to wherever the fuck this house is in the middle of goddamn nowhere. The closer we get, the more anxious I become.

I notice that Detective Campbell is watching me through the rearview mirror, but I ignore him and text Hansen. When he doesn’t answer immediately, I get a sinking feeling. He should be there, he should have called me by now with an update.

Deciding that I can’t wait another second, I call him. Lifting the phone to my ear, I hear it ring, then it rings again, and again until it goes to voicemail. Ending the call without leaving a message, I flick my gaze up to meet Campbell’s in the mirror.

“What the fuck is going on?” I demand on a growl.

It’s his turn to shift uncomfortably in his seat. I don’t look away from his reflection though, I’m staring straight

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