Hypocritically Yours - Hayley Faiman Page 0,128

shift to the bedroom door where Holden is sleeping just a few feet away.

Tears immediately fill my eyes at the man sitting across from me on the edge of the coffee table.

“I take my hand off, you scream, the kid is dead,” he grunts. “Nod if you get me.”

Nodding my head frantically, I let out a whimper when he finally releases my mouth.

“Didn’t think you’d be such a pretty little thing,” he snorts. “Though I should have guessed, your mama was a beauty queen in her day, after all.”

I see it immediately. I recognize him. My biological father is sitting across from me, green eyes that match mine to the T stare back at me. The only difference in his gaze is that his is cold and dead, while thankfully, mine still has life—for now at least.

“Where is my mother?” I rasp.

He smirks, his lips turning up into a snarl at the question. “Alive.”

His answer isn’t very comforting, and yet, at the same time, it is. She’s alive. I tell myself that’s all that matters right now. As I stare into his green eyes, I wonder what my fate is about to become, because I know without a doubt that something is about to happen, something that is going to change my entire life.

He reaches out, extending his finger and my entire body trembles as he touches my temple, then slides his finger down the side of my face, stopping at my chin.

“Grab your brat, we’re going for a little ride,” he barks.

I open my mouth to ask a question, but he shakes his head once, his hand wrapping around the front of my throat before he squeezes. He leans in, his lip curled in disgust, then he speaks. His voice is low and harsh, and if I had any thoughts about talking him out of this, they’re completely gone now.

“If you think that your blood keeps you safe, you’re wrong. I killed my own parents, I don’t give a fuck about anyone but myself. I care about money and that’s about it. The only reason I ever paid your mother was because the government finally caught up with me. That shit’s done now. This is all government-free cash, so I don’t give a fuck what happens to you or that bitch that shot you out of her cunt. Get your fucking brat and let’s go.”

I attempt to nod and he releases me. Running to the bedroom, I grab a pair of pants and quickly throw on a bra and T-shirt before I reach for the cell phone and shove it in my front pocket. Hopefully, it won’t be noticeable. Hopefully, he’s too stupid to even look for it.

“Hurry the fuck up,” he growls from the doorway.

I pick up my diaper bag and the little backpack that has Holden’s clothes and a few of his toys and strap it over my shoulders. Reaching for him, I make sure that he has his blanket and his stuffy before I scoop him up in my arms.

Danny Bradley watches me, pure disdain in his eyes, and I know without a doubt that only one person on this earth would pay him cash under the table to hurt me and my mother.

Susan fucking Astor.

I walk in front of him, he growls the entire time we ride down the elevator. I hope that Hansen will see that this isn’t a professional job, hopefully there’s something in the room that he can use to help find me, maybe he can track my phone. I don’t know how that stuff works, but I really, really hope Hansen can do it.

Because I’m not about to lose the only man who has ever loved me, who has ever made me feel because of this piece of shit at my back.

No way in hell.


Lifting my fist, I knock on the door. It swings open just a few seconds later and I’m met with Laurent’s square puffed up chest. Lifting my gaze, I smirk up at him. Immediately, his shoulders relax and he chuckles.

He steps to the side to let me pass. “I thought you were in Tulsa?” he asks.

I hum, turning to him as soon as I walk into the foyer. “I was, rented a car to come back. I just couldn’t not make sure Lucinda was okay.”

“Where’s Tennessee?” he asks, his lips turning down in a frown.

My guilt eats at me immediately. I haven’t been able to get her off of my mind the entire drive here. I know

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