Hypocritically Yours - Hayley Faiman Page 0,109

she does, but it isn’t a full answer and oddly, I’m okay with that, because what she does say tells me everything that I need to know.

“I didn’t cheat on you while we were trying to conceive.”

Nodding my head once. I clear my throat. “In just a few days, this is yours. In just a few days, the only time I have to see you is at a public event for our children. In just a few days your presence in my life is just a bad memory. I hope that you are happy in the future, Susan. I truly do. But we’re done and I’m not sad about that.”

“Well I’m pissed off,” she snaps.

“Leave my family alone. Tennessee and her son don’t exist to you. If you even try to cause problems like you did with Anderson, your friends in society will all know your secret. It will be exposed and it won’t be pretty.”

Her eyes widen. “But then they would know I was doing it while we were married.” She smirks, thinking that she’s pulled one over on me.

Grinning, I lean over. “The difference between us, Susan, is that I couldn’t give a fuck less what those people think about me, if they are fake to my face, or if they invite me to their parties.”

She rises to her feet, stomping with a low growl escaping her lips. “You’re an asshole. I should have just poisoned you or something.”

“Probably,” I say with a shrug.

I watch her spin around and march toward the door. Then before she wrenches it open and walks out, she stops and looks back at me from over her shoulder. Her lips curve up into a maniacal grin.

“I’m going to fuck so many men in this office,” she purrs.

With a snort, I shrug my shoulder. “Do you think I haven’t christened every square inch of this floor and my penthouse? I’m just far better at it than you are, Susan. Go home and have another cocktail.”

She jerks her chin up in the air, then without a word she wrenches the door open and stomps out. I hear Julie call out and tell her goodbye, and can’t help but laugh when Julie follows it up with a muttered, fuck you too.

I could lie and say that I felt bad to out Susan, to tell her I knew about her secret life and to threaten to expose her, but I don’t. Not in the least. She wants to play with the big boys, she’s got to learn the game a little better than that. I may be a pussy, but I’m not going to take any more of her shit, not a single goddamn ounce.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


I hide out in the break room until Susan leaves. I could have stayed at my desk, but I honestly didn’t even want to see her again. That woman isn’t right. She doesn’t just give me the heebie-jeebies, she is pure downright mean.

I don’t know how my mother was ever friends with her. Thinking about my mom, I frown. I haven’t talked to her much, too upset about the last time we spoke. She thinks that I’m ruining my life by being with Landry. She doesn’t realize that his age doesn’t factor for me, Landry is just… Landry, and I love him.

Gripping my phone in one hand and the handle of my coffee mug in the other, I decide to just call her. She should be coming home from her night job around now and she’ll be tired, but she’ll talk to me.

Dialing her number, I hold my phone to my ear and wait for her to pick up. It rings and rings. She doesn’t pick up. I leave her a message and ask her to call me as soon as she can. Setting my phone down, I stare at it and wait for her to call me back.

My entire life my mother has always called me back within the hour of a missed call, no matter what. When forty-five minutes passes by and she still hasn’t called me back, my stomach twists. Someone walks into the room and I lift my gaze to meet theirs.

Landry sinks down in front of me with a sigh. “You okay?” he asks softly.

Nodding, I sink my teeth into my bottom lip. “I called my mom almost an hour ago and she hasn’t called me back. She always calls me back,” I ramble.

Landry hums. “She’s okay. She’s probably just sleeping, you said she works nights and

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