Hypocritically Yours - Hayley Faiman Page 0,107

a long moment.

“Are you going into the office today? I was all prepared to call in sick for you,” I say with a grin.

Landry snorts. “I’m good. After some breakfast?”

I’ve already fed Holden, he’s happily moaning with each bite he takes, but it seems Landry would like something too. Glancing at the clock, I wince at the time. Landry follows my gaze and I hear him grunt.

“Just leave it all out. I’ll make something and hang with Holden while you get ready.”

I could kiss him. So I do. Rising to my toes, I touch my mouth to the corner of his in a quick kiss. He immediately wraps his hands around my waist and tugs me against his chest.

“After everything the past few, you’re good?” he asks.

Humming, I shift my head and tilt it back to look up into his eyes. “I should ask you that,” I offer softly.

He smirks. “It was interesting information and maybe I should feel betrayed or something, but I’m just disappointed.”

“In her?” I ask, a little confused by his words.

Landry shakes his head. “No, honey,” he rasps. “In myself. I should have left when I knew something was wrong. When she started drinking more, when she started cheating without reservation or care. I became everything that I despise in a man. I became a spineless pussy.”

“But you did it for your kids,” I offer.

He snorts. “I look like the biggest pussy to them.”

Pressing my lips together, I stare at him for a moment. “I’m sorry, but I just don’t believe that,” I state.

“How’s that?”

“Because as a parent, we don’t know what the hell we’re doing, but we’re trying to do the best by them. At least most of us are and I know that’s all you were trying to do. You took everything she did, you didn’t accept it, but you allowed it because you thought it was best for your kids.”

“You’re saying I took her shit because I thought my kids needed both parents at home?”

I laugh softly. “You know why you did it, Landry. I don’t need to confirm it. You did it because you said so yourself. She was and is an unstable addict and you were worried about the kids being alone with her for long periods of time. Now that I know her a little better, I understand that, completely.”

“Why do you make me feel better, when I know that I fucked up?” he asks.

Taking a step closer to him, I place my palms against his chest and slowly slide them up until I wrap them around the back of his neck. Tilting my head back a little farther, I look up into his amber-colored eyes.

“I’m selfish, Landry.” He snorts, shaking his head, obviously not believing me at all. “If you had left her, you would have moved on and found someone else, then I wouldn’t be right here with you.”

His lips twitch and he closes the distance between us, his lips touching mine, his tongue sliding across the seam before he lifts his head. “Okay, Tennessee,” he says. “That makes me feel a little better.”

“Does it?” I ask with a grin.

He laughs softly, his gaze focused on mine. “Yeah, honey, it does.”


I had plans on dropping to my knee right there in the kitchen, in front of both her and Holden, but then we started talking about Susan and it just wasn’t the place. I don’t want that woman in my life unless I have no choice. She is definitely not in this intimate part of my relationship with Tennessee.

Once Tennessee and I are at work and we’ve dropped Holden off at childcare, we ride the elevator together up to my office. I’m not surprised to see Susan waiting at my closed, and locked, office door as soon as I step off of the elevator.

“Landry?” Tennessee whispers.

“I can’t sit on this,” I grunt.

This is it. This is the moment she stops fucking with us. Then, I can propose to Tennessee, then I can marry her, then we can start working on more children. I know to the outside world it seems crazy and probably irresponsible, but I love her. I love what we have. I want so much more of it.

“Oh, how cute, you even come into the office together,” Susan sneers.

I hear Julie clear her throat, but I ignore both of them. “Thank you for meeting me,” I mutter as I walk Tennessee over to her desk. Looking into her green eyes, I focus on her and only

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