Hummingbird Lane - Carolyn Brown Page 0,78

been spending a lot of time together, but if you ever want to talk about anything, I’m just across the yard. My door is always open.”

“Thank you.” Emma nodded. “You’ll never know how much I appreciate that.”

Emma followed her outside and waved from the porch as they drove away in Josh’s black SUV. She popped a breakfast pastry into the toaster and poured herself a glass of milk. She’d just put the steaming-hot tart onto a paper towel and taken the first bite when she heard the crunch of tires on gravel outside. Thinking that Filly had forgotten something, she didn’t even go to the door to check on things. Then she heard a faint pounding on a door, and then another one. She took a drink of the milk and tiptoed to look out the storm door. She had to blink a dozen times to be sure that what was in front of her wasn’t a figment of her imagination.

“Jeffrey?” she whispered as she squinted against the morning sun.

There was no doubt that was her mother’s driver out there pounding on trailer house doors. Then he was coming up on her porch and knocking on her own door.

Emma stepped out onto the porch wearing a pair of Sophie’s bibbed overalls with the legs cut off to make shorts, a bright-turquoise tank top with paint stains scattered over it, and no shoes on her feet. “Are you looking for me, Jeffrey?” she asked.

“Your mother has sent me to bring you home,” he said. “Go get in the car. It’s time for you to end this folly and come home. Those are her words exactly.”

Emma opened the door. “Come inside, Jeffrey. Would you like some breakfast? I was just having a Pop-Tart and some milk. I’m sure you’ll find it delicious.”

Jeffrey crossed his arms. “I do not want food. You’ve had your fun. Now you will be going home and getting the help you need at a center where they know how to treat your problems. Again, I’m delivering Victoria’s words.”

“Do you ever have a thought of your own, or are you just Mother’s little lapdog?” she asked. That wasn’t very nice of her, but it felt damn good to say it.

That seemed to strike him speechless, and he blinked several times. His mouth opened, but no words came out.

“Either come in or leave.” Emma’s hands shook as she held the door open. “But I’m not going anywhere with you, no matter what Mother says.” She had never been afraid of Jeffrey, but he was a big guy, and she wasn’t sure she would come out on the winning end if he decided to manhandle her into the vehicle.

“All right, I’ll give you ten minutes, but then you will be leaving,” Jeffrey said. “I can’t believe that you are living in a place like this. Your mother has your best interests at heart. You should be in a place that would care for a person like you properly, not living out here in the slums.”

“One man’s slum is another man’s castle,” Emma said.

With his head held high, and his back ramrod straight, Jeffrey marched across the porch and into the trailer. “This place smells awful and looks even worse.”

Emma swept a hand around the room to take in the sofa, the barstools, and the rocking chair. “Have a seat, Jeffrey.”

His nostril twitched, and he shook his head. “I’m not sitting anywhere in this place.”

“Have it your way.” Emma sat down on the sofa. “You know, I used to feel sorry for you. Mother has always talked down to you like you were something she tracked in on her shoe, but the way you’re acting now, I think you’re on her side. Are you in love with her or something?”

His jaw dropped, and he glared at her. “You aren’t worthy to be her daughter,” he hissed.

“I always liked you, Jeffrey, but you’re just like her.” Emma sighed.

Coco came through the open back door and jumped up in Emma’s lap. “This is Coco. She’s kind of the trailer park community cat.”

“I hate cats and so does your mother.” He checked his watch. “Your time is running out.”

“No, your time is running out,” Emma said as she stood up and crossed the room. She picked up the house phone and dialed her mother at the office.

“Is Jeffrey there?” Victoria asked without saying hello, how are you, or kiss my ass.

“Yes, he is, and I’ve got something to say that should have been said when Copyright 2016 - 2024