Hummingbird Lane - Carolyn Brown Page 0,74

so much to tell you that I don’t even know where to begin. I have to talk fast, because we’re about to board the plane.”

Emma sat down on the floor, leaned back against the bar, and sincerely hoped that the excitement in Sophie’s voice meant it was good news. “Start at the beginning.”

“First of all, the house that Teddy rented is going up for sale, and we’re going to buy it and move in together. He’s going to change jobs, stop traveling, and—”

“You’re going to live in Del Rio,” Emma butted in. “Isn’t that closer to this place than Dallas? If I stay here, we won’t be so far apart. Tell me more.”

“Yep, and there’s two extra bedrooms upstairs if you want to live here with us,” Sophie offered.

“No, thank you,” Emma said. “I love you, and I appreciate the offer, but you and Teddy need to live your own lives. I never want to live in a city again, but I’m happy you’ll be closer than Dallas. I’m still hoping that Josh will rent me this trailer on a permanent basis.”

“Have you talked to him about that?” Sophie asked.

“Not until I see if I can sell enough paintings to afford such a thing. I told Josh to get me a phone when he and Arty go to town. Filly’s going with them this time, and she said she knew just what kind to buy me, but now I’m worried that I won’t have enough money to pay for the damn thing. Mother sure screwed up things when she froze my accounts,” Emma said.

“Well, you’ve got a while to figure that out, because that rent is paid up through the week of July Fourth,” Sophie told her. “And, honey, I talked to my lawyer, and he’s looking into that business. I don’t think she can legally do that.”

“Thank you! I hate to ask, but if that phone is more than what I have . . .”

“There’s money in the coffee can in the freezer, and two envelopes with our grocery money on top of the fridge. Give Josh an envelope a week while I’m gone and use what you need from the freezer. You can pay me back anytime you want,” Sophie said.

“Thank you, again, but I thought we were only going to be here a couple of months.”

“Nope, I pay for April through July. But this year is special. Teddy and I are going to have a broom-jumping ceremony on July Fourth.” Sophie was almost breathless.

“You are engaged!” Emma squealed. “You committed!”

“I did, but”—Sophie lowered her voice—“I’m still a little worried that maybe I’m just agreeing so that I won’t hurt Teddy’s feelings. We need to have one of those all-nighter talks when I get home.”

“We can do that. But if you love him, and you know it in your heart, what’s there to be worried about? Can I please decorate the broom?” Emma asked.

“Ask Filly if that’s what the maid of honor does. We are only inviting my mother, his dad, and the folks at the park. Then we’re coming back here to Del Rio to honeymoon in our own house while we work on getting the gallery ready to open,” Sophie said.

Emma heard what Sophie said, but she could hardly believe it. “Gallery? You’re opening your own gallery? Oh. My. God! Sophie, this is what we always dreamed about doing when we were young. You will continue to paint, right?”

“Of course. I’d die if I couldn’t smell paint every day.” Sophie laughed out loud.

“Tell her the rest now.” Teddy’s voice was faint, but Emma heard it very well.

“We’re buying this old building here in Del Rio,” Sophie said. “I was saving the best until last.”

“Why would you do that?” Emma asked. “And your engagement is the best anyway.”

“It’s got an upstairs loft where I can paint, and we want to sell your paintings, too, and I want to bring in Josh’s work, and Arty’s and Filly’s. We are only going to sell Texas art, and we’ll promote and advertise, and . . .” She stopped to catch a breath.

“Are you kiddin’ me? For real, your own place to sell your work?” Emma was glad she was sitting on the floor. “And you really want to display my little paintings?”

“You promised Leo six paintings, but after that, I want you to sign with us exclusively,” Sophie told her. “I can’t expect Arty and Filly to give me an exclusive since they’ve been working with Leo so long, but Copyright 2016 - 2024