Hummingbird Lane - Carolyn Brown Page 0,69

a weeklong honeymoon right here in our own house before we settle down to a nine-to-five job of running our new gallery.”

“I love it, and I love you. For this broom-jumping business, do I buy you an engagement ring?” he asked. “Or a small dustpan and broom first?”

“Just a plain gold band, please,” she suggested with a laugh.

“Consider it done. Are we in agreement about everything—the house and the business?” he asked.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” she squealed. “When can I see the building?”

“Tomorrow morning at eight, and then we go straight to the airport,” he said.

“Can we put Josh’s and Em’s and Filly’s and Arty’s work in the gallery?” She could already visualize paintings hanging on the walls, jewelry in glass cases, and Arty’s metal art displayed on pedestals.

“I would like to if they’re willing,” Teddy answered. “But right now, our supper is getting cold, and you’re supposed to be in charge of dessert. Have I told you how sexy you look in that shirt?” He pulled her close and kissed the side of her neck.

“If you don’t stop, we’ll have dessert first and then reheat supper in the microwave.” Her knees were getting weaker with each kiss.

He scooped her up and carried her down the short hallway to the bedroom. “Best idea I’ve heard since you said yes to my proposal.”

“I thought you said yes to mine.” She nibbled on his earlobe.

“I guess I did.” He closed the door with his bare foot.

Chapter Twelve

Emma wandered through the trailer that evening before supper. She was dressed in one of her long skirts and had flip-flops on her feet. She had slept well the night before, but she missed having that first cup of coffee in the morning with Sophie. By suppertime that evening, Emma was in a funk. She knew the difference between what she was feeling at that time and the down-and-dirty depression she had known for the past years, and this was not the latter. It wasn’t as bad as the blue mood she had sunk into when she and Sophie had to part when they were twelve years old, but it was a similar feeling.

Craving company, however, was a whole new feeling for her, and that evening she was sitting at the picnic table before Arty and Filly brought out the food. She was so hungry and nervous after spending that first night alone in the trailer that she didn’t even realize Josh was anywhere around until he slid onto the bench across from her.

“Hey,” he said.

“Evenin’,” she gasped.

“Did I startle you?” Josh asked.

“Little bit,” she admitted. “My mind was a million miles away.”

Filly set a two-layer lemon cake on the end of the table. “How you holdin’ up, darlin’ girl? Missin’ Sophie?”

Arty put a platter of smoked pork chops in the middle of the table. “That’s a stupid question. Of course she’s missin’ Sophie. We all miss Sophie every time she leaves us.” He headed back inside the house and returned with a container of cheesy potatoes and a bowl of salad.

“Amen,” Josh agreed. “These two”—he pointed at Arty and Filly—“get downright cranky when all they have is me.”

“Arty just brings out the worst in me,” Filly grumbled.

Arty shot a dirty look her way and then bowed his head. He said a quick grace and then passed the pork chops to Filly. “This is me being nice. You should appreciate it.”

Filly put a chop on her plate and sent the platter to Josh. “Well, thank you. I’ll remember to write it down in my diary tonight that Arthur must be sick because he was nice.”

“You’re an evil woman,” Arty chuckled.

“See what I mean?” Josh said. “They’re worse than raising teenagers. Have you heard from Sophie?”

Emma nodded. “She called last evening, but we only talked a minute or two. They’re having a great time, and she said that she’s got a surprise to tell us all about when she gets home. Next time y’all go to the store, I want to send some money for you to buy me one of those prepaid cell phones so she can text and send pictures to me.”

“I wonder if she and Teddy got married?” Filly sighed.

The idea that Sophie would get married and not tell Emma—that just couldn’t happen. Maybe engaged, but not married. No, sir!

“Not without us,” Arty growled. “She wouldn’t do something that big without inviting us to the wedding.”

“What if she gets married in Dallas in a huge church with lots of people?” Josh’s eyes were wide with Copyright 2016 - 2024