Hummingbird Lane - Carolyn Brown Page 0,65

many, but I do plan on doing at least one somewhere in the Big Bend park this summer. There’s this place . . .” Sophie pulled her phone out of her hip pocket and flipped through her pictures. When she found the one of two enormous rocks with a big round one cradled between the two like the hand of God had laid it right there for them to hold up, she handed the phone to Emma.

“That’s awesome,” Emma said.

“See that hole at the bottom of the round one?” Sophie pointed. “I want to put the rising sun right there, with maybe some dark clouds all around it. What do you think, Em?”

“That would be surreal, as if nothing, not even evil, can stop the light from shining through,” Emma answered.

“I just have to be there when the sun comes up to get the essence of the whole thing, to feel it down deep in my soul,” Sophie said. “I’d forgotten how much I missed talking art with you. I wish I’d plowed right through Victoria and come to see you.”

“She’d have had someone toss you out on your ear.” Emma’s tone was dead serious. “She will have her way. If she can’t control me, then she’ll cut off my money, hoping that I’ll starve, but I won’t now that Leo is buying my work.” She cocked her head to one side and said, “I hear a vehicle coming. I thought Teddy wasn’t arriving for another couple of hours.”

“Sometimes folks make a wrong turn and—” Sophie gasped. “It is Teddy. He’s early.”

She was halfway across the yard when Teddy parked his truck. He got out and opened his arms, and she ran into them. His eyes sparkled, and he held her tightly for a few seconds before he tipped up her chin and kissed her long and passionately. How could she have ever thought he was going to break up with her? Her heart pounded in her chest, and every nerve in her body wanted more than a kiss, even if it was steamy hot. If Emma hadn’t been sitting on the porch, she would have pulled him inside and dragged him back to her bedroom, but today the sex would have to wait until they were in the house he’d rented.

“You’re early,” she panted when he finally pulled away from the kiss.

“I couldn’t wait to see you, so I drove longer yesterday and got up at three this morning. Couldn’t sleep anyway. I’m tired of us being apart, darlin’,” Teddy whispered.

“Want a cup of coffee before we go?” she asked.

“No, I just want to meet Emma and then get to the house in Del Rio, leave our clothes in a heap by the front door, and fall into bed with you,” he said.

“Me too.” She buried her head in his shoulder for an extra minute, then laced her fingers in his and led him to the porch. “Teddy, this is my best friend, Em Merrill. Em, this is Teddy.”

Emma stood up and nodded. “I’m glad to finally meet the man who puts a smile on Sophie’s face every time his name is mentioned. We can even tell when she just thinks about you!”

“The pleasure is all mine. She’s told me all about you. Congratulations on the paintings that Leo took yesterday,” Teddy said.

“Are you sure about me going away for a whole week?” Sophie asked one more time.

Teddy held up two fingers. “Ten days or two weeks. One of my surprises is that we got a showing in Rome as well, so we’ll be staying over a few extra days.”

“Oh. My. Sweet. Lord!” Sophie’s hands shook like Emma’s did when she was nervous. Two whole weeks away with Teddy would be heaven, but then she heard Emma’s quick intake of breath and felt guilty.

Emma smiled so wide that you could see her back teeth. “You’ve earned this, Sophie. Congratulations! Take lots of pictures to share with all of us when you get home.”

Sophie hoped that she had mistaken Emma’s reaction for fear when it was really happiness for her that she’d also been booked in Rome. “My phone number is on the refrigerator. Use the landline all you want and call me anytime, night or day.”

“Here’s your suitcase.” Emma handed it to her and then gave her a hug. “Now, get out of here, and don’t worry. Teddy, get her out of this place before the waterworks start.”

Teddy took the suitcase from her and then draped his arm around Copyright 2016 - 2024