Hummingbird Lane - Carolyn Brown Page 0,13

more trailer parks?”

“Josh owns all the land from here to the mountains, and there’s nothing but cactus, wildflowers, and”—she smiled—“purple lizards. We’ve both got some phone calls to make.”

“Can I sit on the porch while I’m making the phone call?” Emma had no doubts that her mother was going to be furious with her. Victoria had never hit Emma, but her words could cut through the heart like a machete through soft butter. Her mother would send out a search party for her if she didn’t tell her where she was, and she would definitely get even with Sophie in some way.

“Rule number one is that you are the boss of you while you are here,” Sophie answered. “You will need to turn your phone back on. I’m glad you let me turn it off. I was afraid that Victoria would talk you into going back to that place or else send someone to get you and arrest me for kidnapping.”

“Thank you,” Em sighed. “But you can’t kidnap me. I’m not a kid anymore, and, Sophie, you’re a good friend. She’s going to be mad at me, you know, but I’m really glad I’m this far away when she starts whispering and telling me that I’m delicate and stupid, that I can’t make decisions for myself. She’ll say that I should remember what happened when I tried to live on my own in college.”

“It won’t be the first or the last time she’s been mad about something, will it?” Sophie asked.

Emma dug deep into her memories and tried to remember the last time she had made her mother angry. “Probably not, but the last time she got really upset was when I refused to eat because she said you wouldn’t be coming back to our house, and that I would be having tutors instead of going to school. I don’t think she’s been that mad at me since, but I learned to be careful and not get her all riled up.”

“Really?” Sophie blinked a half dozen times in rapid succession. “Are you serious?”

“If I do what she wants, she’s happy, and she’s so mean when she’s mad that Daddy and I just let her have her way,” Emma told her.

“Well, we’re going to change that. You are not delicate. You are a strong, talented woman, and we’ll prove it right here on Hummingbird Lane in trailer number thirteen,” Sophie said.

“I only counted six trailers,” Em said.

“That’s right. But back before Josh bought this place, there must have been more. Only four of them are occupied right now. Arty lives on the other side of the circle in seven. The two next to us are vacant until fall, and then there’s Josh’s place, and Filly lives between him and Arty.” Sophie headed down the hallway. “I’m just going to take a bathroom break and then make a couple of phone calls. Then I’ll get us some food. We usually eat together in the evenings, but it’s not mandatory, so . . .”

“I’ll try, but not tonight,” Emma said.

“That’s good enough for me. Like I said, everything is up to you.” Sophie disappeared into the restroom.

“I’m not sure I can handle making my own decisions,” Emma muttered as she got her phone out of her purse, turned it on, and called her mother.

“Where are you?” Victoria asked without even saying her usual proper “Merrill residence, Victoria speaking.”

Emma went outside and sat down in one of the red plastic chairs. She sucked in a lungful of night air, but her chest still felt like an elephant was sitting on it, and the stars in the sky went all blurry for a few minutes. “I’m in south Texas somewhere close to Big Bend National Park. I’ll be here for a while.”

“No, you will not,” Victoria declared. “I’ll send Jeffrey to get you tomorrow morning. What is the address? You are not staying with Sophia more than tonight. The center called me an hour ago and told me that you’d checked yourself out. Have you lost what little mind you have left? You’ll be dead in a week if you don’t listen to me. I may have Sophia charged with kidnapping.”

Emma giggled. “I knew you’d say that. If you do, I’ll run away and live on the streets. I’m not going back to an institution, Mother.”

“Jeffrey will be there tomorrow morning, and don’t you ever use that tone when you talk to me.” Victoria’s voice had dropped to that place that scared Emma. “You will Copyright 2016 - 2024