Hummingbird Lane - Carolyn Brown Page 0,125

in the moment that”—he stumbled over the words—“you probably never want to see me again.”

“Well, I wasn’t thinking about protection, either. I haven’t ever been on the pill or even thought about birth control,” she told him, “and I wouldn’t be here if I never wanted to see you again. If I got pregnant last night, then I’m happy about it. If I didn’t, I hope there’s a possibility that I will another time.”

He pulled back the covers and smiled. “You never cease to amaze me, Em. I’ve fallen completely in love with you.”

“I’m in love with you, too.” She crawled under the covers and curled up next to him, sharing the same pillow. “I don’t want to sleep alone ever again.”

“Me neither.” Josh started a string of kisses on her neck that ended with a steamy one on her lips. “Think maybe this place is big enough that you could move in with me?”

“I’ve always wanted a tiny house,” Emma said, “and someone to love me just like I am.”

“You’ve got both.” Josh pulled the covers up over their heads.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Emma was busy braiding silk daisies into Sophie’s hair when Filly popped into the trailer early that Saturday morning with a big pan of cinnamon rolls in her hands. “You’ve got to eat something or else you’ll be too weak to get both feet off the ground. If you don’t when you jump over the broom, then the marriage isn’t valid.”

“Thank you.” Rebel yawned. “I’m starving. These two pesky girls had me up until after midnight. I can’t believe how good Em looks with her tanned face. She was always such a pale little girl, but she looks so healthy now that I hardly recognized her.”

“Fresh air, good food, and friends are magic,” Emma said.

“Have you seen Teddy this morning?” Sophie asked. “Is he nervous?”

“Of course he is.” Filly giggled. “He’s afraid he’ll stumble over his vows and embarrass you. I took the guys a pan of rolls and told him that if he ate two of them, he would sail through his vows.”

“Then I’d better eat three,” Sophie said, “because I’ve been terrified of the same thing.”

Emma patted her friend on the back. “Don’t practice or write down anything. Just say what’s in your heart. That’s more important than all the rehearsed words in the whole world.”

Sophie gave Emma a quick hug. “I’m so glad you’re here to share this day with me.”

Emma couldn’t imagine being anywhere else that day, and someday she hoped that Sophie would be her matron of honor when she and Josh had a ceremony. “Not as glad as I am,” she said. “Think about it. I could be a permanent resident of a mental institution.”

Rebel shivered.

“Cold?” Emma asked. “I can turn up the thermostat if you are, but I didn’t want Sophie’s makeup to melt.”

“No, honey, I was thinking about you being in a place like that for the rest of your life,” Rebel said.

“Well, thank goodness, we don’t have to worry about that these days. She and Josh are living together, and Josh is happier than I ever hoped to see him,” Filly said. “Y’all enjoy those cinnamon rolls. I’ve got some last-minute touches to do on the cake. I’ll see you at the arch at ten o’clock sharp. I’ll be the one in the pink-and-orange hippie skirt, and I’ll be handing you girls your bouquets. Rebel, is your corsage to your liking?”

“Filly, you’ve done an amazing job of everything,” Rebel said. “Please, let me reimburse you for part or all of it.”

“Posh!” Filly waved the idea away with the flick of a hand. “This is my pleasure. I won’t be around when the granddaughters get old enough to get married, so you can handle that.”

“Bull crap!” Emma said. “You’ll still be making jewelry and feeding hummingbirds when you are a hundred and ten. You can’t leave this earth until we say so, and that won’t be for a long time.”

Filly giggled. “It’s good to be loved. See y’all in a little while.”

Rebel cut out a roll and put it on a plate. “Today is the bride’s day, so you get the first one. Milk or coffee?”

“Coffee,” Sophie said.

“Milk for me, but help yourself first,” Emma said.

“My heart is absolutely bursting with pride today to see you girls so happy.” Rebel sighed. “That day when Sophie and I pulled away from your house, and both you girls were sobbing, I thought I’d never see a day like this. I only wish Victoria Copyright 2016 - 2024