Hummingbird Lane - Carolyn Brown Page 0,105

chest and held it over his heart. “Feel that?” he asked.

In her mind, she could see fireworks all around them. “Feel what?”

“That’s my heart. It likes you a lot, Em, and it’s going to miss you terribly. Come home to it when you get done taking care of Sophie,” he whispered.

Lord, have mercy! She’d never heard anything so romantic in her whole life. “I will, Josh. I promise.”

He dropped her hand and cupped her face in his hands; then his lips met hers in a fiery kiss that left her panting when he took a step backward. “Take that with you and know that I’ll be right here waiting for your call each evening.”

“I’m going to miss you, too,” she whispered.

He brushed a soft kiss across her forehead. “I hope so, Em. I really, really hope so, and while you are rescuing Sophie, I hope that you find you out there in Big Bend.”

She floated into the house, checked on Sophie, and took the plate of untouched food to the trash can. Then she took a long, hot shower, since she knew she might not get one for a couple of days. When she crawled into bed, she realized that Josh had really kissed her—and that she wanted more.

“I feel like the high school student I never got to be,” she giggled.

Chapter Twenty

Emma made sure everything was ready and loaded the next morning. Filly had even thought to include two travel mugs of coffee and a box of breakfast bars. All that was left was waking Sophie and demanding that she get dressed. She opened the bedroom door, hoping to find that Sophie was up and getting around, but no such luck. There was the same old heap of covers and nothing else. She tiptoed across the room and picked up Sophie’s phone to find that it had been turned off.

“Go away,” Sophie said. “If you were my friend, you’d leave me alone.”

“This is called tough love.” Emma ripped the covers away and tossed them in the corner. “Get up and get dressed.”

Sophie didn’t even open her eyes. “I’m fine. Go away. I don’t want to eat.”

Emma untucked the bottom sheet on all four sides, grabbed the edge, and gave it a jerk, landing Sophie on the floor. Her eyes popped wide-open. “Dammit, Em! I said I’m fine. I just need to wallow in guilt for a few days.”

“You’ve had more than twenty-four hours of wallowing, and that’s enough. Either get dressed or go like you are. It makes no difference to me, but you look like shit.” Emma crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot. “And you might want to wear boots.”

Sophie rubbed her swollen eyes. “I’m wearing what I have on, and I’m not putting on boots.”

“Fine by me,” Emma said. “Stand up.”

“What for?”

“I’m rescuing you just like you did me.”

“I don’t need rescuing. I’m fine,” Sophie argued.

“If I had a nickel for every time I said that I was fine, I’d be a rich woman. That’s the first sign that you are not fine. Stand up or else I’ll go get Arty and Josh and we’ll carry you outside.” Emma’s voice sounded just like Rebel’s in her own ears, and that made her happy.

“I’ll stand up, but I’m not going outside. I have to go to the bathroom, and then I’m going back to bed.” Sophie got to her feet.

Emma picked up her hiking boots from the closet and her purse from the dresser. She carried both out to the vehicle, tossed them inside, and got back just as Sophie was coming out of the bathroom.

“If you don’t walk out on that porch, I’m calling Rebel to come down here,” Emma threatened.

Sophie whipped around and gave her a dirty look. “You wouldn’t dare. I didn’t call Victoria to come get you.”

“That’s a whole different story. Walk outside on the front porch.” Emma pointed to the door.

Sophie stomped to the door and went outside. “Now what? Do you have one of your high-dollar therapists out here to talk to me?”

“Now you are going to get in the passenger seat of your vehicle, and we’re going for a drive,” Emma said.

“You’re not driving my car,” Sophie declared as she went down the stairs in her bare feet.

“I’ve got the keys.” Emma dangled them in front of her. “Either you go with me, or I’ll go by myself and let you wallow in your misery for the rest of the week.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” Sophie raised her voice. Copyright 2016 - 2024