Huge Deal - Lauren Layne Page 0,35


But it was more than just the first dinner they’d had just the two of them. Something was different. He was easier tonight somehow. Yeah, he was probably just buttering her up. Kennedy hated not knowing things, and even something as simple as her not letting him know what one word she’d use to describe him had probably kept him up all night.

The same way she’d be up tonight, wondering what word he’d use for her, but she wasn’t about to be the first to cave.

“It’s not the first dinner we’ve had together. We had dinner last night.”

“Duh,” she said. “I meant the first dinner with nobody else around.”

He sat back. “I guess you’re right. Seems odd.”

She shrugged and dunked another fry. “Not really. We established the night of your party that we’re sort of on different wavelengths about certain things.”

“Unlike you and Jack.”

“Does it weird you out? He and I together?”

“Of course not.”

She cast aside the momentary flicker of disappointment she felt at his quick response but kept pushing, her gut telling her that something was going on with him. “Really? Because you were sort of on edge last night.”

He stabbed irritably at his salad. “Fine. It was a little weird. I don’t really see you two together.”

“I knew it.” She sat up straighter. “What do you have against us dating? First you didn’t want to give him my phone number, and now—”

“Calm down—don’t get so defensive. I just mean that you guys are different.”


“Jack’s always been sort of easygoing and carefree.”

“And I’m what, uptight and careful?”

“No,” he said with a slight smile. “That’s me.”

Kate blinked. “That’s very . . . self-aware.”

“So which one of those was your word for me? Uptight or careful?”

She laughed. “Oh my God, are you ever going to give up?”

“Never. Quitting’s not my strong suit.” The way he said it, with a slight smile on his lips, had Kate wondering if she’d missed something.

“For real, though, you don’t see Jack and me together?”

He swirled his wine, watched the dark-red liquid swish. “What’s it matter to you what I think of your relationship?”

Touché. She looked back at her plate.

“So,” he said after they’d both taken another bite. “The opera tomorrow.”

Kate shrugged. Truth be told, she was more curious than she was excited. And a little nervous. She let out one of her internal sighs.

“Why nervous?”

“Oh crap.” She wiped her mouth. “I said that out loud?”

“You did. And then you did that thing where you sigh but don’t think anyone notices.”

She blinked. “You know about that?”

He shrugged, as though to say, Obviously.

She glared at the traitorous wine. “But I’ve only had two sips.”

“Maybe you just don’t like self-censoring.”

“Well, that’s true,” she said around a fry.

“So why nervous?”

She sighed, a real one this time, since he was onto her secret ones. “I don’t think I should say.”

“Why not?”

She looked at him, then away. “Because he’s your brother.”

“Ah,” he said lightly. “Romance stuff.”

“Yeah,” she said a little awkwardly. In all of her imaginings over the years of what dinner with Kennedy would be like, she hadn’t thought they’d be discussing another man. Certainly not his brother.

“Well, I’m your best bet for advice,” he said, holding out his hands.

“Um, no offense, but you don’t exactly give off Dear Abby vibes.”

“I don’t know who Abby is, but I’ve known Jack his entire life, and you’re not exactly a stranger.”

“Just because you know when my birthday is and that I like pistachio doesn’t mean you know me.”

He sat forward, his face strangely urgent. “I know you like the ballet over the opera. I know you’re wickedly, dangerously sneaky at chess. Yes, those are recently learned details, but I’ve known for a hell of a long time that you’re the most astute person I’ve ever met, that you never miss a single detail, and that you wouldn’t be nervous without good reason. So spit it out.”

Kate’s breath caught in her throat. She wasn’t accustomed to speeches from this taciturn man, who always chose his words carefully. She wasn’t accustomed to him looking so impassioned. Especially while looking at her.

Trying to hide her discomposure, she reached for her bottle of water. It seemed a safer choice than wine at the moment. “Maybe nervous wasn’t the right word,” she amended. “It’s just . . . Why do I always forget that dating is hard?”

“Is it?”

“Well, maybe not for you.” She waved her hand in his direction. “Not if your primary relationship goal is to be bored.”

His jaw tensed. “I never said my primary goal Copyright 2016 - 2024