How to Turn a Frog into a Prince - Bree Wolf Page 0,80

told Pierce. He could have…tied her to a tree in order to prevent her from doing what he did not want her to do.

After all, he had a rope slung around his shoulder.

But he did not. He was trying to reason with her, hoping she would come to see the situation as he did. However, Charlaine had no doubt that if he couldn’t, he would not force his opinion on her.

Nathanial was a gentleman in the truest sense of the word.

“Well?” Charlaine prompted, not certain what she was hoping for.

Hanging his head, Nathanial exhaled a deep breath. Then he pulled the rope from his shoulder, gave her an angry look and walked past her toward the tall tree closest to the lake. His head rose and he surveyed the canopy, his gaze drifting from branch to branch, trying to determine which would suit his needs.

Or rather her needs.

Charlaine could barely suppress a chuckle as excitement coursed through her veins. She loved it when Nathanial stepped out of his comfort zone and tried something new, like attending the masquerade or dancing without shoes.

In the end, he had always loved it.

And besides, once the rope was attached, perhaps Charlaine could come back some other time and try it herself after all. Summer was slowly coming to an end, but most days were still warm enough for a quick swim.

With no shoes to begin with, Nathanial began to climb the tree, his long arms and legs facilitating his ascent. From branch to branch, he climbed upward, testing each before moving on. Soon, he stood high up, his view no doubt spectacular.

Charlaine envied him and she glanced down at her summer dress, wishing she could simply walk around in breeches and shirt as he did. It would certainly make climbing a tree easier. No doubt, though, Nathanial would be shocked speechless yet again. But so far, he had been able to adapt to everything she had proposed.


Tying the rope to a higher branch, Nathanial then made his way downward until he came to stand on a branch perhaps ten paces above the water. The rope lay in his right hand as his gaze shifted from the lake below to her. “I cannot believe I’m doing this!” he called down to her. The corners of his mouth quirked upward and she could see his eyes light up with excitement.

The same excitement that bubbled in her own veins.

Clapping her hands, Charlaine jumped up and down, her limbs eager to move, longing to follow him up into the tree…and then down into the water. “On three!” she called and he nodded. “One! Two! Three!”

Gripping the rope with both hands, Nathanial swung forward until he was free of the tree, only water below him. Then he let go…

…and dropped into the lake with a large splash.

Charlaine laughed as he sank below the surface, displacing the water and causing waves to roll upon the shore where she stood, watching with envy in her heart. She glanced toward the tree where the rope swung softly in the breeze, now free of its burden. For a second, she was tempted to break her promise.

Then Nathanial reappeared, a wide grin upon his face as he began swimming toward her.

Charlaine rested her hands on her hips. “Now, you cannot tell me that that wasn’t fun,” she dared him.

His grin broadened as he stood, wading through the water, his shirt plastered to his broad chest. “Perhaps a little,” he conceded, splashing a little water her way.

“Hey, you’ll get me wet!” Charlaine protested, but then stuck her foot in the water and kicked in his direction, unfortunately splattering no more than a few droplets at him.

Nathanial laughed. “Says the woman who came up with this ludicrous idea!” Again, he splashed water at her and, this time, she felt a few drops soak through the thin fabric of her dress.

Annoyed with him, Charlaine knelt down, scooped some water into her hands and threw it at him as he stepped out onto the shore. It hit him right in the back! Unfortunately, the impact was minimal considering he was already soaked from head to toe. Still, a wicked grin appeared on his face as he turned to look at her.

A moment later, he spun around and came toward her, the threat of retribution burning in his eyes.

Shrieking, Charlaine retreated, her back now toward the lake, a most unfortunate position for her right foot slid down the bank and into the water. She could feel her hem soaking Copyright 2016 - 2024