How To Rope A Rich Cowboy (Silver Springs Ranch #2) - Anya Summers Page 0,70

scare me. I just don’t believe you mean them, given the timing is rather suspect. Now that you know I own the ranch and have a nice fat bank account.”

She appeared taken aback by his statement. “You can’t honestly believe I care about that. That I would tell you I love you because I know you have money. I’ve known that I was in love with you for days.”

He shrugged even as his heart bled. He wanted to believe her. “Money always matters, it always changes things.”

“Not for me, Colt. I have never once lied to you. I have been honest with you from the beginning, which is more than I can say for you. And I suppose this means I can put you down for a no for Bermuda then, or was it always no and you just told me what I wanted to hear?”

He snorted. “Just because you can go flitting about without responsibilities, doesn’t mean I can. Most adults have obligations that keep them tethered. You’re so scatterbrained that it’s not like I can take you seriously.”

She jerked back like he’d struck her. Hurt bloomed in her eyes and she wrapped her arms defensively around her body. “I see. I think we finally understand one another, Colt. I’m going into the bathroom. I would appreciate it if you’re gone by the time I come out.”

“Avery,” he said as the guilt ate away at him.

She held up a hand and leveled him with a glare. “You know, for all your bluster about being a Dom in control of your universe, you’re fucking terrified to truly experience life and the world. You think by cutting yourself off, it makes you strong and impervious to harm. When all it really does is prove that you’re a fucking coward. Just get out.”

She stormed off and slammed the bathroom door behind her. He heard the audible click of the lock, and the sound of water rushing.

Colt picked his hat up off the floor when what he really wanted to do was go to her and apologize for everything he had just said. He’d been vicious and cruel. In all her time here, she had never shut him out. The slamming and locking of that door had been like a bomb detonating in his chest.

He staggered out the front door and to the barn. Even Tank appeared pissed at him, and bit his shoulder when he opened the stall door.

“Cut it out, wise guy.” He led Tank out of the barn and made sure the door was closed before he mounted him. With a kick of his heels, they rode off. At the ridge, he turned and looked at the cabin, at the telescopes and tent erected outside, wishing he could touch the woman inside. That her words of love were true.

Because he loved her with every last breath in his body, but he couldn’t trust that love. So he turned from it and from her, riding back the way he came. But instead of finding the clarity he’d sought, he was more confused and bereft than before.

Colt, for once in his life, ignored the rest of the world, and instead of heading back to the stables and the myriad number of responsibilities on his to do list, he headed home with Tank. They had a private barn where Tank would be housed for the night. Tank wouldn’t mind the change of scenery, and Colt just didn’t have it in him to be around people.

And it would give him time. The time he needed before he faced the world again. Because regardless of how his relationship with Avery had ended, he was forever altered by her short presence in his life.


She sobbed under the hot spray as she washed away traces of semen from between her thighs. Avery couldn’t believe he thought she’d told him that she loved him because of money. That wasn’t something she cared about. He could be a billionaire or a pauper. None of that mattered, because she loved him.

Deeply, truly loved him.

And he’d cast her aside as if she had meant nothing to him. As if their time together had been all fun and games.

She sobbed even harder at that thought. Until this moment, Avery believed she’d known what it was to hurt. That Matt leaving her at the altar had been the worst thing to happen to her. But this… Colt spurning her love, while he’d still been inside her, only to withdraw and accuse her of Copyright 2016 - 2024