How To Rope A Rich Cowboy (Silver Springs Ranch #2) - Anya Summers Page 0,68

saw no other way around the matter.

After he dressed, he debated his method of transportation before he decided upon riding Tank up to the cabin. It would take him longer to arrive, but the fresh air might help him come to some conclusions that had eluded him overnight.

At the stables, he worked fast to get Tank saddled, in no mood to talk to anyone until after he settled things with Avery. On his way out, he heard Duncan and Maverick calling his name, but he ignored them. He would deal with whatever they needed when he returned.

He and Tank took the same path they had almost two weeks prior. The beauty of the day was lost on him as he wrestled with his inner turmoil. Whereas on their previous trip to the cabin, he had taken his time, today he set off with a haste that Tank seemed to sense.

When they turned onto the path that led to the cabin, Tank picked up speed, aware that there would be water and food for him soon. But now that Colt was almost there, he wanted to draw the time out, make the ride last a little longer.

They crested the small ridge and headed down the trail. The forest receded. And there she was, as stunning as ever. She sat on the porch in one of the lounge chairs, with a computer on her lap. She wore torn jeans and a formfitting tank top in a soft pink that made her skin glow golden. Her attention was focused on her task and she was unmindful of the world around her.

She was so beautiful, she made him ache. Made him wish they could rewind time. That way, he could change things, wake her up before he left, and love her before everything shifted.

Avery’s head snapped up as they neared. Her gaze focused on him and Tank, and a dazzling smile spread over her features. She laughed as she rose and set her computer on the chair. There was no fear in her as she jogged down the steps and approached them.

Tank strode right up to her.

She stroked Tank’s head. “Hi there, handsome. I’m so glad you came to visit me today. Would you like an apple?”

Tank nudged her chest, it was a move of his that showed he liked the person and was pleased by their presence.

“We need to talk, Avery,” Colt said.

She glanced up at him atop Tank. “All right, why don’t you put him in the barn? I’ll grab him an apple, and then you can come inside.”

“We’re not going to be here that long.”

“Colt, if you want to talk, we’ll talk, but only after you stable him in the barn, and we can talk inside. That’s my offer. Take it or leave it.”

He ground his teeth at her ultimatum. The last thing he wanted to do was fight with her. It grated against his need to control the situation. But Avery had never backed down, and instead went toe to toe with him. It was part of what had attracted him to her in the first place.

“Fine. I’ll get him settled and then come inside.”

“Let me grab him an apple.”

“He doesn’t need—”

“I keep my promises, Colt. I brought it up, and I won’t disappoint him,” she challenged, her stance firm and unrelenting.

“Just hurry up,” he ordered, a tic forming in his jaw from clenching it so tight.

She nodded with an imperiousness that would suit a queen. Then she swiveled on her heel and sashayed into the cabin. Colt held Tank steady when his horse would have followed her right on inside. He knew the feeling well, and couldn’t blame Tank one bit.

Avery waltzed back outside holding an apple she’d halved. Tank took it upon himself to plod closer, and met her when she reached the bottom stair.

“Here you go, handsome.” She held out her hands with the apple halves in them to the horse.

Tank cleanly nipped each piece. When he was done, Colt said, “I’ll be right in.” Then he steered Tank away from the cabin and over to the small barn. He hadn’t missed the flash of anger in Avery’s gaze.

Colt didn’t waste time stabling Tank. He left his saddle and blanket on him, gave him some water and grain, then left him there to go deal with Avery.

A heaviness pervaded his being, and squeezed his chest, and he prayed that they would come to some agreement without angry barbs. Colt stepped inside the cabin in a cautious fashion, Copyright 2016 - 2024