How to Lure a Hunter - Alice Winters Page 0,72

fighting,” Imani explains.

“We’re not planning on fighting them,” I tell her. “If we can get proof that they’re involved in illegal activity, they will be arrested and serve time. But first I need to make sure that’s what they are doing. The issue that we run into is that we often stumble across humans who think vampires should be dead, but don’t actually go through with it. So we need enough proof that we can arrest them on more than just suspicion.”

She nods, even though she appears a bit disappointed that we won’t be tearing them apart. That’s understandable; I had similar feelings about meeting my maker who is very alive and well standing next to her.

She starts walking into the wooded area as we follow after her. “So the trees we’re walking through surround an old campground. To my understanding, the campground itself was abandoned years ago since the area isn’t much of a touristy area. But the hunters like to travel so they don’t get targeted in one specific area. They kill a few vampires and once people start to take notice, they move to a new location.”

“And the police haven’t discovered this?” I ask skeptically. “If there were multiple similar murders going on, you’d think it’d be noticed, even if it was spread across the country.”

“This is the first time I’ve seen traces of them in America,” she says. “For years they hunted in Europe, so something has pushed them over here.”

I really hope she knows what she’s talking about and isn’t just jumping to conclusions. If she does, we really could put an end to the killing. We could stop these unnecessary deaths that have been plaguing me.

“Alright, they have watchdogs and other things that will alert them to our presence, so we have to move quietly from here on out,” she says as she starts going deeper into the trees.

Claude gives me a look that clearly translates to “I’m still positive she’s leading us out into the woods to murder us.”

I shake my head which makes him instantly smile. We’re quiet as we slowly move through the woods and up a hill. At the top, she leads us to the edge which creates an excellent vantage point of the camp. I can see RVs and campers, a few children out playing, and some people talking. It’ll be impossible to determine what’s going on from this location, but we can still get a good look at the place. I take photographs of them with my work phone before texting them to Marcus and Finn.

Me: Possible hunter group. The only information I have is from a woman who claims to be following them, but I see no proof as of yet. It looks like they might be illegally camping on private property.

Marcus: Watch them for a bit and see if you can spot anything specific about them. I’ll be in contact with the local law enforcement and see if they have any information on them that could be helpful.

Finn: I’ll do that now.

Me: Any more attacks?

Finn: Been quiet since you left.

I look over at Claude who looks confused before glancing down at my phone to see what I’m trying to get his attention about. Once he’s looking, I type without sending: Do I tell them? They could throw me in prison.

Claude takes my phone and types: My brother would never throw you in prison. Tell them we’ll talk to them when we can speak. Preferably in person.

I nod and take my phone back.

Me: I think I might have information that could help us, but I don’t want to text it. When we leave here, we can talk.

Finn: Sounds good. Be safe.

I turn to the others. “We’re going to watch the area for a while to see if we can pick out anything of note. Are you guys staying here or going back?”

“We’ll probably head back, I have to work in a couple of hours, but if you need me, don’t hesitate to call me. I’ll get you my number,” Imani says as she fills it into my phone for me. Once they’re positive we don’t need anything else from them, the two of them head off, leaving Claude and me.

We sit down so we’re less suspicious in case someone happens to look up here and find us creepily watching them.

“Is this what you call a stakeout?” Claude asks.

“It is.”

“Hmm… thought so. It’s horribly boring but also wonderful that I get to sit so close to you,” he Copyright 2016 - 2024