How to Have Your Boss's Secret Baby - London Casey Page 0,80

when you were going to get a mouthful of milk… oops.

Cole would never hurt me though.




I got out of bed and took a shower.

A hot, relaxing shower always eased my mind, and now my body.

If the hormones, thoughts and boob changes weren’t enough, my body just ached all the time. Which made sense when you were carrying a watermelon on your stomach.

I finished showering and dried off when I heard the door to the apartment open and shut.

It was like Cole had a sensor or something.

He knew when I was showering.

Instead of threatening him with a blow dryer, I was going to give him a little show.

I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed the front of the towel.

“Hey, big man… ready for another drink of my-”

I stopped.

A man stood in the apartment and stared at me.

It wasn’t Cole.

I screamed and ran into the bedroom, slammed the door and locked it.

My towel fell to the floor and I jumped on the bed.

I rolled myself up under the covers.

Like that was going help.

I heard the intruder knocking at the bedroom door.

“Hello? Who are you?”

I pulled the covers down my face.

Who am I? Who are you? The friendliest burglar ever?

The knocking continued. “Come on. I saw you. You saw me. This is my place. What are you doing here?”

I mouthed What the fuck? and I inched from the bed.

I reached for my phone and held it tight.

“This is not your place,” I called out. “I live here.”

“I think there’s been some miscommunication here. My brother told me to come here.”


That’s when it hit me.

The guy wasn’t breaking in…

“You’re Cole’s brother?” I called out.

“Yes,” the man said. “I’m Cody.”

Cody. Right.

At least it wasn’t some made up name like he always did on the phone.

Like Mr. Tittytwist or something.

He knocked on the door again. “I need to know what to do here.”

My phone vibrated.

I realized there were texts from Cole waiting for me.

I read the texts and gasped.

Cody was Cole’s brother. Which I knew. Cole sent Cody here to hide out because Mr. Pickle wanted an in-person meeting at Cole’s apartment.

What the fuck do you want me to do here? He almost saw me naked. I’m in the bedroom, still naked, with him knocking on the door.

I stood up from the bed. “I need to get dressed. I’ll be right out.”

“Who are you and why are you here? Are you one of my brother’s women he fucks for fun?”

I swallowed hard and glared at the door. “No. Go away, Cody.”

It was finally silent.

As I got dressed, Cole texted me.

I sat down to put my pants on because that’s what I had to do now.

Getting dressed was a chore.

I looked at my phone.

Do NOT talk to him! I’m sending a car to you, Maya. I repeat - DO NOT TALK TO HIM!

That made me feel great.

Who was this guy then? A killer?

I had no choice but to exit the bedroom.

Cody was in the kitchen, drinking from a bottle of whiskey.

He smacked his lips together and pointed to my stomach.

“Goddamn, woman,” he said. “Tell me my brother is into something kinky like this. That he pays to fuck pregnant women.”

“What? No.”

“Then who are you?”

“I’m leaving,” I said. “That’s who I am.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Cody said. “Does he even know you’re here?”

I looked at Cody and swallowed hard. “I’m having a rough go in life right now, okay? Cole was helping me. I needed somewhere to take a hot shower. He told me to come here. So I did. Okay?”

“Wow, my brother the saint,” Cody said. “Did he give you any money too?”

“No,” I said.

“Too bad.”

Cody eyed me hard. I could tell something was wrong with his eyes. And it wasn’t drinking. This guy was on something else.

“You look good from behind though,” he said. “All those curves. Two thumbs up there. But that belly though. Goddamn. That’s a dealbreaker for me.”

“Good,” I said. “Your face is a dealbreaker for me.”

Cody laughed.

I hurried to the door and got out of the apartment.

Outside the building a car was waiting for me.

Before I could even think about where I was going next, Cole sent me another text.

You’re coming to my place for the night.

I shook my head.

Things with Cole were never going to be smooth and easy, were they?

Cole waited for me outside the building.

He ran up to me and touched my shoulders. “Fuck, Maya. I’m…”

“I lied to him,” I said. “I made it sound like I’m some homeless, pregnant chick you’re helping out. You’re welcome for that. Oh, Copyright 2016 - 2024