How to Have Your Boss's Secret Baby - London Casey Page 0,4

the palm of his hand.

“I can name plenty of reasons,” I said.

“Your confidence is part of it,” he said. “But it’s the fact that you get it. You get how to enjoy life. You’re not tied down to anything or anyone. No women. No kids. No bullshit.”

“That’s why we work good together,” I said. “That’s how I built this company into what it is. And I can tell you this… if you don’t act now, I’m going to keep building the company. And in a year you’re going to wish you could get it for the price it is now.”

Mr. Pickle threw his head back and laughed. “And you never stop working.” He leaned toward me. “Tell me something real about yourself. Put the bullshit walls down for a second.”

“Okay,” I said. “Maggie? The bartender?”


“I’ve slept with her,” I said with a grin. “And tonight, I’m going to sleep with her again.”

“Goddamn,” Mr. Pickle said. “What if I wanted her.”

“Nah,” I said. “You want the beauty behind you. Tall, blonde, heavy chest, a diamond encrusted dress. Sitting alone with those lips you love so much. And she’s all yours for the night.”

Mr. Pickle looked over his shoulder and smiled again. “Cole, you are something else. You’re lucky I’m a strong man. You certainly know how to woo someone.”

He tossed the pills into his mouth like they were peanuts at a dive bar.

He washed them down with his drink.

And Maggie was right there with a fresh drink.

I loved when a plan came together.

I looked down and Maggie was on her stomach, asleep.

She had a tattoo on her right shoulder. It looked like a ballerina with wings. I had always wanted to ask her about it, but I didn’t want to cross that line where we actually talked about something other than sex.

The only time I wanted to hear her voice was when she was calling out my name or saying something filthy that she wanted me to do to her.

And trust me… she could get wild.

I touched the ballerina tattoo and shook my head.

She was probably some small town girl who grew up taking dance lessons, never really sure of her dreams. Good in school, smart, all that shit. Then when the real life decision came to her, she chose a lawyer. Why not? A strong woman like her would make a great lawyer. But a wild fire was lit in her heart. The artist side of her. So she bolted to the big city to take it over and couldn’t do it.

Was anything of that true to Maggie’s life?

I had no fucking idea.

All I knew was that after I sent Mr. Pickle home with the blonde beauty I ordered for him, I paid my tab with Maggie, left her a more than generous tip, and then asked when her shift ended.

I gave her money for a ride to my place, and she showed up a little after two.

Now it was four, she was asleep, and that was just another night in my life.

I inched my way out of bed and walked to the dimly lit kitchen.

I helped myself to a bottle of electrolyte water. That was the key when it came to a night of drinking and sex, knowing I had to be in the office in just a few hours.

Speaking of which…

I took out my phone and texted Maya.

Mr. Pickle is on the edge. Need you to send over a care package for him. I’ll text a list of items. Needs to be done ASAP.

I waited a few seconds.

Good morning, by the way. Early to rise, Maya. Got it?

I waited a few more seconds.

Also - pull the financials for the last decade of his acquisitions. I want to see what worked and what didn’t. Better yet - you do that. Give me a list of companies that succeeded and failed.

I chugged the rest of the water and walked my way back to the bedroom.

My dick swayed left to right like an elephant’s trunk.

Maya finally texted me back.

The way my phone was pointing, it was like Maya was talking to my dick.

I laughed.

Her text was simple.

Morning Cole. I’m awake now. I’ll get on that when I get to the office.

I curled my lip.

Get to the office now. I’m sending you money to grab coffee and food. Don’t worry about how you look. No need to impress anyone but me. Impress me with your work. You better be there before me. Tick tock, Maya.

I pictured her reading that text.

Cursing me out.

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