How to Have Your Boss's Secret Baby - London Casey Page 0,100

up. “You bastard. I am jealous. You better tear through at least six of them.”

“In one night?” Liam asked.

“Sure,” Jackson said. “You have to be organized.”

“How so?” Lincoln asked.

“Shit, is this your first wedding?” Jackson asked. “You need to know who knows who. How to keep them apart. Where the bathrooms are. If it’s outside, where the hidden spots are. There is no reason you can’t fuck one in a bathroom, another in a garden, a third in the kitchen… get the point?”

“This is what goes through your head?” I asked.

Jackson looked at me. “That, and how much I want to fuck Callie when I see her again.”

“I guess being the best man is bigger than I thought,” Lincoln said with a grin. “But trust me, Jackson, you do not need to worry about me or my dick. We’re both going to enjoy that night.”

“Why the hell are we here?” Liam asked.

I walked to my desk and grabbed the envelope. “This.”

“What’s that?” Lincoln asked.

“I’m waiting for…”

I looked back and saw Callie and Emily enter the office too.

“Callie?” Jackson asked.

“Em?” Liam asked.

“What’s going on?” Callie asked.

“I wanted to talk to you all,” I said. I looked at Callie. “Let me talk and then you can hit me again.”

“That’s worth the trip,” Callie said.

“All I’ve ever wanted was to be this guy,” I said. “Who I am right now. And I don’t like it all that much right now. I lied to everyone. I hurt everyone. All for what? For nothing. The deal I’ve been working on fell through. So I’m left right where I started, but now I have the world pissed at me. The crazy part is… I don’t give a shit that you’re all mad at me. You all can kiss my ass.”

“Callie isn’t going anywhere near your ass,” Jackson said.

“I wouldn’t touch your ass if you paid me,” Emily said.

“Good to know,” I said. “Look, I saw a moment and took it. That night with Maya, it wasn’t about her being my secretary. What happened that night was Mr. Pickle insulted her. And I wanted to go beat the hell out of him. I left the cabin and Maya came after me. She stopped me because she didn’t want me to fuck up the deal. That’s the kind of person she is. We both saw each other in that moment and sparks flew. I fell in love with her that night. When she said she was pregnant, I had a lot to sort through. Not sure what you know about me but my father left and I never had a father figure. On top of that my brother has been messed up on drugs for years and he’s now in rehab.”

“I didn’t realize that,” Callie said.

“I’m not making excuses at all,” I said. “I’m telling the truth. I hid her so my life wouldn’t hurt her. But it didn’t work. She got hurt anyway. I let it all happen, until I stopped it all from happening. She’s back home where she grew up. That’s where she feels comfortable right now. I almost broke Mr. Pickle’s jaw. The deal is over. The company I run is no longer the company I run. I brought you all here to look around… to get one last view.”

“One last view?” Jackson asked.

I nodded and held up the envelope. “I’m no longer running this company anymore.”

“You got fired?” Callie asked.

“Not exactly,” I said. “At my level, you don’t get fired. You get told what to do next. And I was going to do it anyway.”

“What does that mean?” Emily asked.

“Simple,” I said. “I’m cashing the fuck out of this place and walking away.”

“This is your dream,” Lincoln said.

I looked at him. “Yeah, it is.”

“You’ve been working on this company since college,” Lincoln said. “Everything you ever did was for this place. Your entire goal was to build it up, sell it… shit, you wanted to be a billionaire. I remember you talking to Hudson, asking him what it was like.”

“All of that is true,” I said.

“So now what?” Liam asked.

“I wanted you all here to see it and hear me say it,” I said. “That I’m done. That my dreams took a very hard right turn one day when the elevator here opened and I saw Maya. And then again that night in the cabin. And then again when she left me a sticky note that she was pregnant.” I looked at Callie and Emily. “Nothing matters more than Maya and the baby. Copyright 2016 - 2024