The House in the Clouds - Victoria Connelly Page 0,9

him? What was he going to do? He’d been at the company for twelve years and had never even considered working for anybody else. How long would it take him to secure another position somewhere? Or maybe even set up on his own? Because that was looking like a very real option now.

But a little voice told him that these things would take time and he needed money now to pay all the people who were working at Winfield. Not only were there wages to pay but there were materials to buy as well as the basic running costs of such a large property. For the first time since taking on the project, Edward felt unsure of himself. It was one thing when you had a full-time wage coming in, but quite another to be cast adrift. Winfield was relying on him and he wasn’t at all sure that he could do the place justice anymore. The last thing he wanted to do was to let it down. The old place deserved better than that. So what were his options? He couldn’t spend money that he didn’t have and Winfield needed a lot of money, not just now but in the future too. Could Edward rely on himself one hundred percent to provide that money and to secure the future of Winfield? He could no longer be certain, and that was a feeling that left him shaken to his core.

After several sleepless nights on his airbed, Edward called Stephen and invited him over.

‘Well, you know I’ve always thought you were crazy to take this place on,’ Stephen said as he paced up and down the hallway, glancing up at the grand staircase which swept like a graceful centrepiece in a classic film. Indeed, one half expected Vivien Leigh to appear at the top of it.

‘Crazy? You congratulated me for buying it!’ Edward pointed out, remembering the day of the auction quite clearly and how chuffed Stephen had seemed.

‘I was just being supportive,’ Stephen said. ‘It was what you wanted, wasn’t it?’

‘I still want it.’

‘You mean, you’re not going to sell it?’

‘I couldn’t. At least, not properly.’

‘What do you mean?’

Edward ran a hand through his hair. ‘I’ve had an idea. I’m not sure if it’s just – well – ridiculous or not. But I’m not sure how many options I have.’

‘What are you going to do?’ Stephen asked.

‘I was hoping you might be able to help with that decision.’

‘You don’t need money from me, do you?’ Stephen had turned quite white.

‘Don’t panic!’ Edward told him. ‘It’s not money I need from you. It’s information.’

‘Well, that’s a relief. What sort of information?’

‘About that woman.’

‘What woman?’

‘My underbidder.’

Stephen frowned. ‘The woman at the auction?’

‘Yes. What do you know about her?’

‘Only what I told you before. She’s famous for those sunflower designs. Has quite a few shops. Or had a few shops. I think she sold her business.’

‘Do you know why?’

‘Not really. Just a headline I saw in one of those Sunday supplements.’

‘What’s her name again?’

‘Abigail Carey.’

‘And that was the name of her business?’

Stephen nodded. ‘What’s all this about?’

‘Well, it’s just an idea at the moment.’

‘Oh, yeah?’ Stephen raised his eyebrows and grinned.

‘Not that sort of an idea! A business proposition.’

‘Okay,’ Stephen said slowly. ‘How’s that going to work?’

‘Well, I’ve got a bit of background work to do first,’ Edward said, ‘but let me tell you the rough plan.’

Edward wasn’t at all sure that Stephen was on board with his idea but, as with the day he’d purchased Winfield, his friend gave him his full support.

‘I guess it’s your call,’ Stephen told him before he left. ‘Let me know how it goes, won’t you? Or if you need me to come and bail you out if she turns out to be a mad woman.’ He’d chuckled at that, but it did leave Edward questioning his own judgement. This idea of his might not be such a good one after all. Still, he wanted to find out more and there was only one thing you did in the modern world when you wanted to find out about somebody. You googled them.

Edward had to admit that he was surprised how much coverage there was on Abigail Carey. She was quite famous, he realised. And beautiful, with long vanilla-blonde hair that curled down to her shoulders, large blue eyes and what he believed was described as a peaches and cream complexion. Not that that had anything to do with, well, anything, but he couldn’t help making the observation. Copyright 2016 - 2024