The House in the Clouds - Victoria Connelly Page 0,25

was looking forward to getting to know this place and seeing the changes that each season brought.

The girls took off ahead of them. Rosie – as ever – leading the way.

‘Don’t go too far ahead, Rosie!’ Ellen shouted after her.

‘Wait until you see it,’ Abi said, excited herself by the prospect for it felt too long since she’d last seen the place.

They climbed the hill, leaving the village far below them and then taking a turn onto a footpath which skirted the flank of a down and that’s when they saw it.

‘Welcome to Winfield Hall,’ Abi said, gesturing grandly with an arm flung out towards it.

‘That’s what you’re buying?’ Ellen looked astounded.

‘Well, half of it,’ Abi reminded her.

‘Goodness, Abi!’

‘Is it a palace?’ Rosie asked.

‘Of course not, silly!’ Bethanne said.

‘Actually, Rosie, some people call it the “Palace of the Downs”.’ Abi saw Rosie stick a gleeful tongue out at her sister. ‘It’s also known as the House in the Clouds because it’s so high up. Isn’t that lovely?’

‘Does that mean it’s cold?’ Bethanne asked.

Abi laughed. Bethanne did sometimes sound like a born scientist. Perhaps Ellen had a point in nudging her in that direction.

‘So, which half is yours?’ Ellen asked.

‘The right-hand side. Come on, we can get closer to it along this path.’

They set off again, gazing down into the grounds of Winfield.

‘Is that your garden?’ Rosie cried.


‘It’s enormous!’

Abi laughed. ‘Yes, you might have to come and help me with it.’

‘You sure you haven’t taken on too much with this place?’ Ellen asked.

‘Not at all. I’m up for the challenge.’

They walked on a little, the path dipping slightly towards the hall.

‘There’s a man staring at us,’ Rosie suddenly said. ‘Look!’

Abi turned around and gasped. It was Edward out in his part of the garden that was visible from the public footpath, and Rosie was right – he was, indeed, staring right up at them.

‘Oh, no!’ she cried, wishing that the chalk path would swallow her whole.

‘Abigail?’ he called up to them. ‘Is that you?’

‘Keep walking,’ Abi whispered to her family.

‘Abi – he’s seen us!’ Ellen protested.

‘No, no! Just keep walking.’

‘But we’ve got to say hello. Come on!’ Ellen grabbed Abi by the arm and the four of them slowly descended the hill towards Edward who was beaming a smile at them as he left the walled garden and walked out onto the driveway. Abi had never felt so embarrassed.

‘It is you!’ Edward said. ‘I didn’t know you were coming down today.’

‘No, it wasn’t exactly planned,’ Abi said.

‘You should have called me. Let me known that you were here.’

‘Edward – can I introduce you to my sister, Ellen? And her two daughters, Bethanne and Rosie.’

‘Pleased to meet you,’ Edward said, shaking Ellen’s hand.

‘Very pleased to meet you!’ Rosie said, coming forward to shake hands too. ‘Can we see inside?’ she asked, her cheeks flaming in excitement.

‘Rosie!’ Ellen admonished. ‘I’m so sorry. We didn’t mean to intrude.’

‘No,’ Abi said. ‘Honestly, I just wanted to show them the village. We didn’t want to disturb you.’

‘You’re not. I’m doing absolutely nothing. Even switched my phone off.’

‘Are the builders here?’

‘Just one doing something with the floorboards upstairs so it’s quite safe to come inside if your family want to take a look around.’

‘Oh, please!’ Rosie said, grabbing Abi’s arm and tugging it.

Abi grinned. ‘If you’re sure it’s no bother.’

‘No bother at all.’

Abi glanced at Ellen who gave a little nod.

They followed him across the driveway towards the front door which he opened, ushering them inside.

‘Wow!’ Rosie cried. Abi glanced at her nieces. Bethanne’s mouth had dropped open and her eyes were filled with wonder.

‘It’s like a film set!’ Ellen said.

‘That’s exactly what I thought when I first saw it,’ Edward told her. ‘Especially the stairs.’

‘Me too!’ Abi chimed in.

‘Although it’s a bit chaotic at the moment with all the builders’ things.’

‘It’s really, really big!’ Rosie said, her neck craned back as she took in the ceiling high above her.

‘It’s certainly bigger than your London place,’ Ellen said.

‘Yes,’ Abi said. ‘But this will be split up into apartments.’

‘Actually, we’re making a bit of progress there,’ Edward told her. ‘Early days, I know, with all the work that’s to be done, but I’ve got some plans through from the architect and they look pretty good. I’ll send copies over to you.’

‘Thank you,’ Abi said, noticing that, as before, Edward was immaculate in a crisp blue shirt and neat trousers. He was wearing a wax jacket today because it was cool outside and she thought that he looked like Copyright 2016 - 2024