The House in the Clouds - Victoria Connelly Page 0,18

it. That was to be admired. So often in life, people hid behind artifice, saying things they didn’t mean or things they thought others wanted to hear, and what was the point of that? It was hard enough trying to navigate one’s way without having to deal with such nonsense. No, he thought, Abigail Carey was open and honest and kind. He could see that shining through her eyes.

He shook his head. Why he was suddenly thinking about Abigail’s blue eyes, he didn’t know. But she’d had a way of looking at him that had been both mesmerising and disconcerting – as if she could see into his very soul. As if – at the very least – she understood him and his love for Winfield. And that was what bonded them. That was why he was so glad he’d reached out to her and felt as if he’d made a good decision. He wasn’t sure if anyone else would see it that way, though.

‘You’re really going to share Winfield?’ Stephen said as he sat down on Edward’s office chair.

‘You know I was thinking of it,’ Edward told him. ‘It’s the only way I can see of making it work financially. Why do you sound so surprised?’

‘I don’t know,’ his friend said. ‘I guess I never thought of you as a sharing sort of a person.’

‘First time for everything,’ Edward pointed out.

‘I guess.’

‘Anyway, I think it’ll be pretty safe sharing with her. She’s one of these artist types. They’re usually quiet, aren’t they?’

‘But what if she plays the bagpipes for a hobby? Or likes to blast rock music while she paints?’ Stephen said with a smirk.

Edward smiled at his teasing. ‘Funnily enough, that’s not the impression I get from her.’

‘Well, it’s a risk.’

‘So is not doing the work that’s needed on Winfield.’

Stephen glanced up at the ceiling that was giving him a plaster shower. ‘Yes, I see what you mean.’

‘She’s a good sort,’ Edward told him. ‘I think we’ll get on.’

Stephen had taken his phone out of his pocket.

‘What are you doing?’

‘Just looking her up again,’ Stephen said. ‘Ah, right!’


‘She’s very pretty!’

Edward frowned. ‘What’s that got to do with anything?’

Stephen grinned. ‘Well, I’d say it would be far easier to share one’s home with a pretty girl than with an ugly one, wouldn’t it? Oh, come on! That had to have something to do with it!’

‘It certainly did not. She just happened to be my underbidder and feels the same way about this place as I do.’

‘And you’ll be very cosy here together, I’m sure.’

‘Very funny!’

‘Seriously, though,’ Stephen added, ‘I’m pleased you’ve found a way through this. I’d have offered to take half this place off you myself, but you know I can’t stand big draughty rooms.’

Edward nodded in understanding. It wasn’t everyone who was willing to take on a cavernous old building and he knew his friend preferred his small London apartment with every single piece of technology a modern man could need.

‘I love this place,’ Edward suddenly declared. ‘And I don’t want to lose it.’

‘Then you won’t,’ Stephen told him. ‘I know you and you usually get what you want when you put your mind to something.’

Edward smiled. ‘I do?’

‘You know you do! Ever since our days at uni. You’re always so focussed on what you want.’

He sighed. ‘Well, that’s good to know.’

‘I can’t wait to see what you and this woman–’


‘Yes, Abigail. I can’t wait to see what you both do with the place.’

When Abigail left her flat, she was surprised to see a paparazzo standing outside on the pavement. It had to be a slow day in the news for someone to bother with her, she couldn’t help thinking. Unless he was after the young guy who’d just moved in down the street. Wasn’t he some talent show winner? She didn’t keep up to date with those sorts of things. Anyway, she disliked this sort of intrusion. Perhaps that was one of the reasons Winfield appealed to her so much. It was so wonderfully cut off from the rest of the world. It was, in fact, its very own world up in the hills like that, half hidden in the clouds during the winter months. She loved that. To her, it was so much more than a house – it was an escape.

As she walked to a nearby market to stock up on fresh supplies, she wondered how much of London she would truly miss. There was the convenience of being able to get absolutely anything Copyright 2016 - 2024