Hotter than Texas (Pecan Creek) - By Tina Leonard Page 0,76

said was true. He’d made love to her, he’d gotten as far into her zone as fast as he could, before he had to confess that she was getting nothing that she wanted—needed—from PC.

Or from him.

He went back to his truck, starting it up. Turning his lights on low, he followed along behind Sugar, hoping she’d change her mind and get in and let him take her home. He wasn’t sure if the rule book existed concerning women who wouldn’t let you take them home even when they had every right to be pissed as hell, but it wasn’t safe for any woman—or man—to walk alone a fairly deserted road, so he followed fifteen feet back, lighting her way, keeping an eye on her.

She walked all the way to his family home. He waited until she unlocked and opened the front door. His heart zoomed when she turned around. Maybe she’d worked off her steam. Maggie and Lucy were out for the night; maybe she’d invite him in so they could talk it all out.

She flipped on the porch light and went inside, closing the door. A moment later, she let Paris out for her late-night constitutional while she watched over her dog, still ignoring Jake.

They went back inside, and lights switched on in the upstairs. His gaze went instantly to the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas room—and then the curtains opened.

He stared, hoping Sugar would give him a wave.

She slowly pulled off her top and bra, languidly smoothing her hands along her breasts to cup, peaking the nipples with her fingertips, arching her back so the moonlight caught every curve as she turned in profile.

He grew an instant tent pole in his jeans.

She shut the curtains with a snap.

“Damn,” Jake muttered. Now he had a major problem to keep him up all night—and that torture was exactly what Sugar had in mind.

It was going to be a hellishly long night.

Sugar closed the heavy drapes of the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas room, annoyed with Jake and even more annoyed with herself for caring. She’d known he could be Jake the Snake. He was a major snake-oil salesman. Why should she be shocked that he was so good in bed and had such an effect on her when he was such a smooth-talker?

Ramon had been the very same. And she’d fallen for it all over again.

The thing about Jake was, when he was sincere, he was the kind of man who melted your heart. He’d totally melted hers.

The rat.

And she was alone tonight, when she’d hoped to spend the night making love to Jake. Super-rat.

Putting up with Averie’s shenanigans was nothing compared to the realization he intended to do nothing to help her with the town council. What a bunch of old crows, Sugar thought. And Jake was a wienie for not standing up to his controlling mother.

She put her clothes back on, petted Paris and made sure she had fresh water. Then she wandered into Lucy’s room to grab up her laundry. She’d get Maggie’s too. It had been a long day for them—and since they both have love lives and I don’t, I might as well break out a good book and sit in the laundry room to read.

She flipped on the light in Lucy’s room and went to pick a few pieces of discarded clothes off the floor. This wasn’t like Lucy—Lucy was a control freak. She picked up a lacy cami and a pair of comfy shorts, her gaze bouncing to the bed to see if any clothes were hidden atop the comforter.

Her eyes went wide—and she screamed bloody murder, dropping the clothes basket to run down the stairs, Paris at her heels. She dialed Jake’s number with shaking fingers.


“Sugar!” He sounded so happy to hear from her.

Sugar swallowed back panic. “Please come back.”

“Gladly. Can be there in five.”

“Bring Sheriff Goody. And hurry.”

“A threesome?” Jake said, his voice teasing and very Jake-like. “I don’t think the sheriff’s into those.”

“Jake,” Sugar said, shivering almost violently, feeling sick, “there’s someone in Lucy’s bed. A man.”

“Well, Bobby won’t bother us. Don’t worry about him.”

Sugar walked away from the house, then decided she wanted to be closer to the circle of light beaming from the porch. “Jake, hurry!”

“Coming up the drive. Have to say, I’ve never heard you this eager, but believe me, I’m happy. I was so afraid you’d never talk to me again. And I swear, Sugar, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“Shut up, Jake.”

He did, and she Copyright 2016 - 2024