Hotter than Texas (Pecan Creek) - By Tina Leonard Page 0,72

up unannounced.”

“Showing up unannounced when you’re broken up is rude,” Jake clarified. “You and I are not broken up. In fact, we haven’t even gotten started yet. I have a bone to pick with you about that, Miss Cassavechia.”

It seemed safe to let him off the hook. Besides, Lassiter had told Maggie that Jake was at home with no plans, so clearly Averie wasn’t part of the night’s fun-with-Jake. “Meet you in thirty minutes?”

He grinned, making her heart thump. “Meet me, hell, why can’t I pick you ladies up?”

“That would be very nice.” Sugar smiled at Jake, feeling like today, which had started off with nervous tension for her mother, was looking up in a huge way. “See you then. I won’t say good-bye to Averie, but tell her I said ciao.”

Sugar headed back to her car.


She turned to look at him. “Yeah?”

“You’re honestly the coolest woman I’ve ever met.”

“I know. Hope you get the water out of your ears. If you can’t, I have a special technique we could try.” Sugar winked and got in the blue Oldsmobile, driving off with the top down, her red hair blowing in the wind, and Jake felt lust and love and a lot of other wild emotions carve out a hole inside him.

The only thing that was going to fill that hole was Sugar, he was pretty damn certain.

And for the record, he no longer had water stuck in his ears, but he wasn’t about to miss the chance to experience any technique Sugar was offering that involved her and him and hopefully lots of bouncing around.

Pecan Fanny’s outdoor patio was hopping with customers. Twinkling lights and an occasional hanging fern and potted palm spoke of the last warm days before the Christmas season got under way. Sugar nursed her margarita and when Jake’s hand stole over to her knee, she smiled at him.

Maybe she was a little tipsy, but seeing Maggie wrapped up in Lassiter, and knowing she was healthy, gave her heart such joy she might have been high just from the good news. And Jake leaning into her, giving her an enthusiastic kiss along her neck every once in a while, wasn’t exactly hurting her mood, either.

Lucy handed her a shrimp on a toothpick. “Try this. It’s hot as fire, but it’s good stuff.”

Sugar bit half the shrimp, offering the other half to Jake. He took it, nodding.

“Tasty stuff.”

Sugar considered the table of people sitting with them. Bobby had joined them, which rounded out the group. He sat next to Lucy, raising Sugar’s antennae. Then Kel and Evert showed up, and Cat came to sit in Evert’s lap, and it felt like the whole gang was there.


“What’s going on with Kel?” Sugar asked, just for Jake’s ears.

“Still has a pissed wife. Still getting the big D.” Jake shook his head. “It’s not a good situation, because I know in my heart there’s no other woman for Kel than Debbie.”

Sugar frowned. “I haven’t met Debbie.”

“She’s just like Kel.” Jake grinned. “And his kids are a chip off the old block. Really, it’s like watching two little Kels following their dad around. They’re a great family.”

She eyed her margarita. “The food here is really good.”

“I know. It’s better than Bait and Burgers.”

“Not better,” Sugar said loyally, “different.”

“No, it’s better.” Jake waved over another round of drinks and ordered two more platters of appetizers. “Don’t tell anyone, but Fanny’s closing up shop.”

“Oh no!” Sugar looked at Jake. “This place seems part of Pecan Creek.”

He nodded. “I know. I’m working on it. I’m the new mayor pro tem, you know.”

Sugar sighed as she bit into a jalapeno popper. “Congratulations. Did you want that job or did Vivian raise your hand?”

“Both.” He sounded distracted. “It’s good for me to take on some more responsibility in PC.”

“Okay, Mayor.”

He squeezed her knee and was about to say something smart when a glass flew to the ground and Kel’s chair tipped over.

“Whoa,” Lucy said, standing. “What the hell, Kel?”

Kel looked at Bobby. “What are you doing, man?”

Bobby blinked. “What are you doing?”

“Hey.” Jake stood, menacing, bigger than Sugar realized he could be when he was all puffed up with annoyance. Evert held Kel back, and Cat moved chairs away from the broken glass. “Knock it off, Kel.”

“He’s, he’s—” Kel glanced at Lucy, who stared back at him, perplexed.

“Kel.” Jake went to drag his friend off. Sugar followed. “Dude, she has no idea what you’re upset about. You’re making an ass of yourself.”

Kel pulled his arm out of Copyright 2016 - 2024