Hotter than Texas (Pecan Creek) - By Tina Leonard Page 0,105

design. All the new people in town want her sense of fun and élan in their homes. Jake says, best of all, we’re in compliance with the health department now. He seems really proud of that. My pecans—Maggie’s recipe—are selling beyond my wildest dreams, and Jake had a sign made to replace the Pecan Fanny’s sign. It’s neon, it’s huge, and it says Hotter than Texas in big red letters that light up at night. I think it’s a bit much, but I don’t tell Jake that. The Pillars say it’s perfect, and they’re the definitive word on “proper” in this town.

Jake and I are getting married in June. We want a traditional wedding with all our family and friends around. But don’t tell, Journal—we’re already married! We took a quick trip to Hawaii after Christmas, and because I didn’t want to be too traditional, we got married there. It was the most romantic thing that has ever happened to me in my life.

And then Jake made love to me on the beach.

It was like that love scene in From Here to Eternity, only much, much more magical.

Even when we’re just floating on the creek or driving the blue Oldsmobile down country roads, it’s magical. When we sleep at night in the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas room, Jake holds me tight, and it’s like nothing I ever dreamed I’d have. Even Paris loves living in Jake’s family home, never more than when she’s swimming in the brand-new pool Jake put in the backyard, always heated to a perfect ninety degrees Fahrenheit for those winter days when he feels like making love to me. Which is just about any day that ends in Y.

At night, I can see the pecan trees sheltering the grove, and I’m so thankful for my mother’s recipes that brought us here. That was the real journey, wasn’t it? It really wasn’t ever just about the pecans. It was about us being together, being a family.

Thanks for everything, Journal. I always knew you were there for me, in case I ever needed to talk to someone. I guess that’s what journals are for: to chronicle the journey, the starts, the stops, the downs and the ups.

But I don’t need you anymore. I’ve got Jake.

And he’s got me.

How’s that for a happy ending?

Love always in Texas,

Sugar Cassavechia Bentley

About the Author

USA Today bestselling and award-winning author Tina Leonard decided to become a writer when her grandmother told her she should be the next writer in the family. Sixty-seven projects later, Tina writes what she loves with humor, sexiness and fun. With 2.6 million books sold, Tina plans to keep writing the books her readers enjoy.

Tina received her undergraduate degree from the University of Tennessee. With two children in college, Tina is fighting off the urge to go back for a master’s degree. Happily, her writing schedule keeps her busy with independent, adventurous heroines and heroes in the truest sense of the word.

When not writing, cooking or working out, Tina loves going out with friends, reading and spending time with her family. After living in many states over the years, Tina calls Texas home.

You can visit Tina at, and She loves to hear from readers!

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Coming Soon:

Hotter than a Summer’ Day

Danger comes packaged in bulging muscles…and a codpiece.

The World is a Stage

© 2012 Tamara Morgan

Games of Love, Book 2

Highland Games athlete Michael O’Leary is famous for his ability to charm a woman right out of her pants. Maybe a little too famous. When he’s sidelined with a knee injury, his wingman pounces on the chance to take full advantage of Michael’s idle time.

Trying out for the local adult-themed Shakespearean production seems simple, but there’s a catch. Michael must woo the notoriously demanding lead actress, Rachel Hewitt, thereby freeing his friend to pursue a courtship of Rachel’s sister.

Rachel hates the thought of handing over the lead role in her admittedly scandalous troupe to someone so wholly uneducated in the ways of the Great Bard. But she’s in a bind, and the only one who can step up is a man who looks way too good in a codpiece—and knows it.

To add insult to injury, he refuses to take the role until she agrees to take his place in some barbaric warrior race. She’ll do it, but not with a smile. Unfortunately, the hardest part isn’t antagonizing her Scottish foes. It’s resisting the one man who seems determined to line and cue her heart—forever.

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