Hot Under His Collar - Andie J. Christopher Page 0,45

to the thought of fucking Sasha from behind, admiring her plump ass as it bounced against his hips—fuck.

That was the last image in his mind before he came against the wall in the shower attached to the room where he slept alone because he was a priest and he’d made vows. Two things tempered the cataclysmic orgasm that made his knees unstable and his pounding heart practically echo off the walls: Sasha wasn’t here having a screaming climax along with him, and she never would be.

As the orgasm faded, so did Patrick’s resolve that indulging in thoughts of Sasha was superior to acting out his desires. Thinking about it only made him want her more. He was pretty sure Jesus had to think about turning water into wine or walking on water before he actually did it. Thinking about the impossible things he wanted to do to Sasha could only turn him down the road of making the impossible—having her—possible.

He felt stupid and ashamed. Still, he didn’t ask God to help him figure out what to do. He knew that he should make a confession, do his penance, and never, ever see Sasha again. He also knew that he wasn’t ready to do that. Maybe ever.


“I HUGGED HIM,” SASHA said, not quite believing she’d done that.

Hannah shrugged the best she could while getting fluids for her very severe morning sickness. Sasha had hesitated to visit because watching Hannah vom was a situation she never wanted to repeat.

But she wasn’t currently vomiting. She was sitting on her couch in a caftan. The only thing that was different about this than their regular hangs was that she had an IV in her arm instead of a mimosa in her hand.

“You whatted him!?”

“I hugged him.” Sasha struggled to find the words for how the hug had evolved into an almost kiss.


“I felt something.”

“Did he have a hard-on?”

Sasha felt her skin pinken. For a second there the night before, she’d thought that maybe Patrick had a hard-on for her in the small sense even though he could never have one for her in the sense that would lead to anything other than her doomed crush.

“So, he did have a hard-on.” Hannah nodded and looked at her arm, cringing when she saw the fluids instead of a drink. “Pregnancy is not for the weak of spirit.”

“I’m sorry you’re weak of spirits right now.” Sasha took a sip of her own drink, thankful that her friend did not require teetotaling on the premises during the pendency of her confinement. “But at least your terrible sister hasn’t moved in with you.”

“That’s because I’m an only child, and I have no terrible sister.” Sasha had often been jealous of that over the years. “Is it Marlena or Madison?”


“Oh good. At least it’s not the pregnant one.”

“I’ll drink to that.” Sasha raised her glass and took a sip.

“What happened?”

“She left her husband.” Sasha still couldn’t quite believe the words coming out of her mouth. “She wasn’t happy anymore.”

“That seems like a good reason to leave your husband,” Hannah said. “Not that I would know.”

Yes, her best friend was blissfully happy, and Sasha was only a little bit jealous. “Jack’s treating you like a queen, isn’t he?”

Hannah smiled when she said, “It’s almost annoying.”

“It’s what you deserve.”

Hannah leveled her a look that told her that her best friend knew that she’d been trying to change the subject. “What are you going to do about Madison?”

“I have no idea.” They’d never spent that much time together as adults, and they were almost like strangers. “She’s been just lying around and drinking my wine. She eats nothing. It’s starting to worry me.”

“Well, maybe if you put her to work?”

“Doing what?” Her sister had never held an actual job in her whole life, but her experience volunteering might be put to good use. Still, Sasha had serious reservations. “She might be able to plan a decent tea for the Junior League, but she’s not a professional event planner. If I set her loose on a bride, she would just end up getting us fired by telling her that her taste is unrefined.”

“Then don’t let her plan weddings.” Hannah was either delusional about the extent of Madison’s awfulness or trying to tank their business. “Or let her menace the vendors when I have my head in the toilet.”

That wasn’t a half-bad idea. “I’ll think about it.”

“Good.” Hannah nodded in that way she did when she knew that she’d won.

* * *

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