Hot SEAL, Heartbreaker - Cat Johnson Page 0,58

swallowed hard and said, “Okay. Go on. Ask. I’m ready.”

“Will you be my date to my mother’s wedding? It’s next month in Vegas.”

Her eyes flew wide. That hadn’t been on her list of guesses but it certainly was interesting “Oh my God. They got engaged?”

“Yes. Right after she visited.”

“And how do you feel about that?” she asked.

“Jesus, that’s such a therapist’s question. I’m going to have to get used to things like that coming out of my girlfriend’s mouth, I guess.”

“I guess so. And you didn’t answer,” she said.

“I feel okay about it. I realized life is too short to waste time. One reason I’m now the man who won’t take no for an answer.”

“Understandable.” She nodded.

“Well, I started thinking. Mom is in the same position. She’s been alone for so long. If she loves this guy Dale and enjoys being with him, why wait?” He shrugged.

“This is a big change. A good one. I’m glad you’re happy for her.”

He drew in a big breath and let it out. “Can the therapist take a break now so I can have my girlfriend back? I’m ready to take you up on that offer to go back to your place.”

They were already standing about as closely as they could get while in the pub and fully clothed, but she tipped her pelvis to bump against him. “You’ve been ready for a while.”

“You felt that?” He cringed.

“Yes. It’s hard to miss.”

He smiled at the compliment, letting out a breathy laugh. “Oh, it’s hard all right. Sorry about that.”

“Don’t apologize on my account. I’ve been lonely without you. I had to buy more batteries.”

“Jesus, woman.” He glanced around before leaning low to say, “Comments like that are going to have me taking you in the parking lot if you don’t watch it.”

She tipped her head to one side and considered. “That could be interesting.”

He shook his head, visibly trying to control his smile. “Come on. Let’s get out of here before you get us both arrested for public indecency.”

They walked through the doorway, his arm around her shoulders, just as the sea shanty ended, which sent them off amid a chorus of cheers.

The applause was for the singers and the song, not for her and Brian, although she’d like to think that the fact they’d finally gotten over their personal hang-ups enough to turn this fake relationship into a real one would also have the support of the McP’s crowd.

The sea shanty stuck in her head now, she found herself humming the tune and they walked outside.

Squeezing her shoulder, Brian started singing along softly as they walked toward her car.


“You make a giant spectacle at McP’s to get me to let you stay the night and you’re not staying?” Alicia’s brows were as high as the pitch of her voice.

“No. I made a spectacle at McP’s because you wouldn’t call or text me back. Your fault. I’m leaving now because I’m meeting the team at five a.m. on the shooting range. Now, if you’d like me to sleep over and set the alarm for four a.m. I’ll be happy to do that. Just beware I always wake up with morning wood, and if you’re next to me, there’s no way I’m not sticking it in you.”

“Crude.” She frowned.

“Truth,” he countered.

She pouted. “You can go. I’m a morning person, but four a.m. is pre-morning in my opinion. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”

“I’ll call you. You gonna answer?” he asked, brow high.


“Good girl. I’d hate to have to break out my rendition of The Wellerman. I’m growing fond of that song.”

She rolled her eyes. “I think I’ve created a monster.”

“A monster in bed.” He considered that. “I like that review of my performance. I’ll take it.”

Shaking her head, she swung her legs over the side of the mattress. “I’ll walk you to the door.”

“I’ll let you.” He had visions of one more hot good night kiss before he left her tonight.

A box sitting on the table next to the front door caught his attention.

The hyper-observant woman he’d fallen for didn’t miss his glance. “That’s something I need to go to the post office and mail.”

He waited for more of an explanation.

Like his psych training promised, she filled the silence with, “It’s my ex’s stuff. He contacted me out of the blue asking for it back. I didn’t even realize I had most of that. So . . .”

The ex. Interesting.

“Want me to return it for you?” he offered.

Her eyes brightened. “Would you? I hate going to Copyright 2016 - 2024