Hot SEAL, Heartbreaker - Cat Johnson Page 0,52

card out of her jacket pocket. “If you need help with her, call me.”

He took the tiny white card. “Thanks.”

As she trotted out the backdoor toward the courtyard, Brian pocketed the card and turned toward the bar.

He had to settle his bill with Ray and decide on his next course of action with Alicia. Although, that might require another beer.

One more, then he’d go.

Plan in place, he had just settled himself back on his barstool when the three men from the table walked over.

“Hey, Ray. Can we get three more please before we’re summoned to the courtyard?” the light-haired guy asked.

“You got it,” Ray called back as he poured a beer for the waiting waitress.

“Should I relocate to the courtyard too?” Brian asked. “It seems like the place to be tonight.”

The older guy shook his head. “Save yourself, man. Stay far away from the courtyard.”

He said it with such grave warning, Brian had to laugh, and wonder what the hell was going on back there.

The youngest scoffed. “It won’t be that bad.”

“Says you. You’re safe. We’re not.” The older one indicated himself and the light haired man.

“It’s a surprise fortieth birthday party for our producer,” he explained. “I’m Zach by the way. The grumpy one is Clay and the kid is Nick.”

“Brian Anderson,” he offered up in return.

“Well, Brian, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll steer clear of Joanne Rossi, and anyone from New Millennia Media or you’ll end up doing something you don’t want to do.”

Brian’s brows rose. “Like what?”

Porn? Nah. Probably not.

“Like having cameras stuck up your ass twenty-four seven,” Clay said, which still didn’t rule out the porn theory.

“Or having to use literal trash from a dumpster for your wedding decorations,” Zach added.

Nick rolled his eyes. “You both could have said no to doing those reality shows. I did.”

Ah, reality shows. That made more sense.

“I did,” Clay did an unflattering imitation of what Nick had said. “Easy for you to say, kid. Your woman wasn’t depending on you being part of the damn show.”

“Yeah.” Zach nodded. “That’s why I did it. For Gabby.”

“Hey!” Shelly popped her head in the back door. “I need you guys in the courtyard, pronto. Dani just texted. She said the girls and Joanne are almost here.”

“Here we go.” Clay grabbed the olive-laden martini glass that Ray had just set in front of him.

“At least the drinks are being paid for by the production company,” Nick commented as he grabbed one of the two beer bottles off the bar.

“Thank God for that.” Zach grabbed the other before turning back to Brian. “Good meeting you.”

Nick narrowed his gaze and said, “Actually, you look familiar. You stationed at Coronado?”

Brian nodded. “I am.”

“I thought so. So are we,” Nick indicated himself and Zach. “Old man here was, but he’s retired.”

“Watch it with the old man stuff, kid,” Clay growled.

As confused as he was, Brian still gleaned that these SEALs had somehow managed to juggle the military, relationships and a reality show. He was starting to feel like a slacker, but meeting these guys was proof, it could be done.

In spite of the fact Brian’s entire team was currently single, there were SEALs who made serious relationships—marriages, even—work.

If they could do it, he could too. If he could get Alicia to freaking talk to him.

“Anyway, maybe we’ll see you around,” Nick said.

“And seriously, stay clear of Joanne,” Clay warned as he followed Zach out.

Brian watched them leave and mumbled, mostly to himself, “That was weird.”

Ray glanced up from wiping the condensation off the bar and let out a snort. “You have no idea.”

Brian decided to worry about himself and forget about them.

He pulled his cell out of his pocket and navigated to the messages.

Emboldened by Shelly’s faith, and the new knowledge that it wasn’t him Alicia had a problem with but rather her past, he set his sights on knocking down Alicia’s wall, one text at a time.


Alicia stared at the text.

BRIAN: Just letting you know that I’m back.

What to reply to that?

Should she reply at all?

She wanted to. But she shouldn’t. It wasn’t right to open up communications with the man when she was trying to shut them down.

“Why are you staring at your phone frowning? What’s going on?”

Shit. Jen had snuck up on her.

Time for a lie. “Nothing’s going on. Everything’s fine. Just reading a text from . . . Shelly. She’s at McP’s.”

“And you didn’t want to go with her?” Jen asked.

It was a valid question since she was currently walking up Copyright 2016 - 2024