Hot SEAL, Heartbreaker - Cat Johnson Page 0,18

for a brawl. He was here to humiliate the jerk. “Hey. Andrew, right?”

“Yeah.” Andrew frowned.

“You don’t remember me? We met a McP’s a few days ago. When you were talking to Alicia.” Brian saw the flicker of recognition in Andrew’s eyes as he continued, “Anyway, I just wanted to say hello. And to say thanks.”

“Thanks?” Andrew parroted.

“Yeah. If I didn’t walk over to join your conversation that day, she and I wouldn’t be dating now. So thank you.”

Alicia had both hands wrapped around his forearm. Whether that was her attempt to stop him from throwing a punch or remind him she was there and didn’t approve, he didn’t know.

But as long as she was there, he might as well take advantage of it. He disengaged his arm from her grasp and wrapped it around her, hauling her up close against his body.

Andrew’s gaze followed the action, before moving back to Brian’s face, which was sporting a wide grin.

The man turned to Jason. “You got any whisky?”

“Yeah. This way.” With a glance back at Alicia and Brian, Jason escorted Andrew to the living room.

But Jenny wasn’t so easily disposed of. She folded her arms and stood her ground in front of the exit. “What’s going on?”

Alicia opened her mouth but no sound came out. That left it up to Brian to step in and explain. Probably for the best. He wasn’t sure Alicia was up for the lie. Or even the truth that led to the lie.

“Let’s just say Andrew was coming on a little strong that night at the bar,” he began. “Enough that I felt it necessary to step in.”

Brian had seen the idiot enter McP’s. Seen him ogle the waitress—more than once. And he saw Andrew invading Alicia’s personal space when she clearly didn’t want him to.

Since his team had already left, he’d only still been there to finish up his beer, hit the head and then leave. But after seeing the encounter, he’d decided to hang around and make sure things didn’t go south.

“And that’s how you two met?” Jenny asked.

“Yup. That’s how we met.” He nodded.

He spun Alicia to face him, planted his hands low on her ass and held her close. Jenny couldn’t see her face but he sure did. Her eyes were wide, filled with a mixture of panic and shock, with a bit of censure thrown in.

It only made him grin wider. This woman was too much fun to rattle. He liked it. In fact, he liked her. A lot.

Liked how she spoke like a professor most times, but could also deliver a string of obscenities worthy of a sailor. Liked how she seemed like a control freak, but how her sister could completely throw her off balance.

She was full of contradictions. Were there more he hadn’t uncovered yet? He’d wager there were and he wouldn’t mind digging to find them.

Although to do that, he’d have to stick around a while longer. Longer than this party. Longer than he usually did with the women he dated.

But this wasn’t a real date. So he could stick around.

Maybe that was the difference in his feelings. No pressure. No expectations. Just fun.

He’d like to have even more fun with the lovely Alicia. Starting now.

He raised one hand to cup her face, brushing a thumb over the soft warm skin of her cheek. “Things have sure progressed quickly since then. Haven’t they, baby?”

Not waiting for an answer, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Quick. Light. Nothing hot and heavy but it was enough to have Jenny and Alicia both sucking in a sharp breath.

One kiss. A reaction from two sisters. He was good.

Pulling back, he smiled and focused on Alicia and the new combination of emotions passing over her features.

Yup. Fun.

A whole lotta fun.

He might pay for it later. No doubt he was in for a lecture on the drive home. Maybe even a rant. But for now, he was enjoying the hell out of it.


“Text me when you get home so I know you arrived safely,” Jenny said as she hugged Alicia and then Brian too.

In fact, Jenny might have held on to Brian a bit too long during that hug. Which was an interesting turn of events.

“We will.” Brian smiled, as if insinuating they’d be going home together.

Even knowing it was all an act, Alicia’s cheeks still heated.

“Thanks again. Talk to you tomorrow.” She extracted herself from her sister, and the situation, as quickly as possible.

The introvert in her had had enough. Copyright 2016 - 2024