Hot SEAL, Heartbreaker - Cat Johnson Page 0,12

for long sleeves.

This would do. He’d wasted enough time already. He probably should have just asked Alicia what he should wear.

She seemed like the type who would enjoy controlling his clothing choice. Hell, he should have invited her over to peruse his closet and choose from the meager offering of appropriate items for herself.

Alicia. In his bedroom. He liked that idea.

That thought begged the question of why she didn’t scare him like most women did. Especially at this time of year, the dreaded V-Day time.

Probably because she wanted a relationship even less than he did. Some women said that but didn’t mean it, but his senses told him Alicia actually meant it.

Heck, he’d bet there were some women who would come up with this idea for a fake date just to trap him in an actual one.

But again, not Alicia.

She was a kindred spirit. A fellow Valentine’s Day hater. Another who loathed meddling friends and match-making relatives as much as he did.

And speaking of her match-making relations—it was time to leave. He had to pick her up at her place so they’d arrive together at her sister’s. He figured that would look more convincing.

He flashed back to her not wanting to give him her address either. First she’d wanted him to meet her at her sister’s, then she insisted they meet in the parking lot of the shopping center when he suggested they should drive over together.

She was going to ridiculous lengths to avoid any more connection to him than necessary. He shook his head, smiling as he thought of what else he could do to push her out of her comfort zone. Maybe ask to see baby or awkward teen years pictures at her sister’s house?

Or, no. Maybe invite her sister and her husband out for a double date at the pub. That might give Alicia an aneurism. Perfect.

Grinning, he pulled open the door . . . and stepped directly into Jack’s path.


“Where are you going? Off to your date with Ray at McP’s?” Jack chuckled.

Why did he live here in the same apartment complex as one of his teammates again? Until now, it hadn’t mattered. Jack tended to be a loner and keep to himself. Until now, the one time that Brian needed him to mind his own business.

He could say yes, that was exactly where he was going, but there was a chance that Jack would want to come with him. Then he’d be screwed. Caught in a lie.

Best to tell the truth. Or at least part of it.

“I have a date.”

Jack’s eyes flew wide. “A date. I thought you said you didn’t date on Valentine’s Day.”

“Is it Valentine’s Day?” he asked, playing dumb.

Jack cocked up a brow. “You know damn well it is. You’re even wearing red.”

At that, Brian laughed. “It’s a plain cotton shirt. It’s not like I’m wearing a suit and a tie with hearts on it or anything.”

“So, who’s it with?”

Damn, Jack was nosy today. He must be really bored. “Some woman I met at McP’s.”

It always amazed him at how easy it was to tell the truth while still lying. All it took was selective editing of what facts to reveal and what facts to avoid.

“And you chose to take her out on Valentine’s Day?” Jack looked shocked.

He lifted one shoulder. “It’s a party her sister’s throwing. I couldn’t exactly choose the day.”

“And you’re not worried she’ll ‘get crazy’ because of the holiday?” Jack was now directly quoting Brian’s stated philosophy about women and Valentine’s Day, air quotes and all.

Sometimes he wished his teammates would pay less attention to what he said.

“Nah. I’m not worried. She’s cool.” Again, another truth, which had Jack looking even more shocked.

Brian was on a roll. But he didn’t have time to torture his teammate with any more half-truths right now. He had a fake date to pick up.

“Gotta go. See you.” He made his escape leaving Jack open-mouthed behind him, making this even more fun than he’d anticipated.

This fake dating stuff was the gift that kept on giving.

And if Alicia chose to give him a gift of the more physical nature as a thank you for tonight, he wouldn’t say no.

Whistling, he got into his Jeep, actually looking forward to tonight.


“You look nice,” Brian said after she a had opened the door in response to his ringing the bell.

“Thanks.” Dammit. Why were her cheeks hot?

It was just a polite comment. It didn’t mean anything.

“So do you,” she added.

His shirt was just tight enough she could see Copyright 2016 - 2024