HOT SEAL Devotion - Lynn Raye Harris

Chapter One

Someone was watching her.

Kayla hurried down the sidewalk, carrying two bags from the diner that contained lunch for everyone at Hair Affair, and told herself she was being paranoid. The Kings of Doom motorcycle club was done, busted up and scattered to the winds by her soon to be brother-in-law Alexei Kamarov and his SEAL buddies. They’d rescued her sister and stopped her psychotic ex before he could harm Bailey.

And before James could sell Kayla’s baby—his own child—to an adoption agency. Kayla shivered as she quickened her steps. Little Anastasia was secure in her playpen in the salon, watched over by Chloe, Avery, and JoJo, and life was good. Kayla had been working at the salon as a shampoo girl since the previous one left a couple of months ago. Before that she’d been answering phones at a real estate office and contemplating getting her license, but she didn’t like the idea of meeting clients alone at strange houses. It wasn’t likely anyone would kidnap her and turn her into a sex worker like the Kings of Doom had done to so many unsuspecting girls, but knowing it had happened—still happened, since trafficking was a thing—made her supremely uncomfortable with the idea of being alone with anyone she didn’t know.

But then Chloe had suggested she replace Milly the shampoo girl, who was moving to another state. Avery—the salon owner—had agreed, and Kayla had been there since. She liked working at the salon. Chloe, Avery, and JoJo were sweet to her, and they’d started encouraging her to think about cosmetology school. She would love to learn how to be a stylist, but she didn’t have the time or the money.

Someday. Maybe.

Right now she had to work to take care of her daughter and provide for the future. James was in prison, and even if he weren’t, he wasn’t the kind of guy you asked for child support. A man who’d been planning to sell his own daughter to an illicit adoption agency damned sure wasn’t going to pay money for her care.

Kayla was nearly to the salon when a car pulled up beside her and slowed. Her heartbeat quickened and sweat popped up on her skin, but she didn’t turn her head.

“Hey, baby,” an oily voice said. “Where you goin’ in such a rush?”

Kayla gripped the bags tighter and didn’t reply. She cut her gaze sideways, trying to see the man without being obvious about it.

“I’m talking to you, baby,” he said again. “You too good to talk to me?”

The salon was just ahead. She could taste safety even if she wasn’t there yet. She walked faster, unwilling to break into a run—and unable to anyway with the wedges she’d worn today. Her stomach twisted with fear.

Keep walking, Kayla. Don’t look at him. You’re almost there.

She heard those words in Bailey’s voice because her sister had been the one to take care of her when she was a kid, to protect her from harm and make sure she had food and shelter. Bailey had been more mom than sister, and when Kayla needed to be brave, she thought of Bailey’s strength and determination. If Bailey was the one in her shoes, she’d stop and tell the asshole to piss off.

But Kayla didn’t like confrontation. She didn’t want attention, and she didn’t want anyone to notice her or remember her. Not beyond the few minutes it took for some sexist asshole to catcall her on the sidewalk anyway. That was pretty impossible to stop with men being what they often were.

The man revved the engine. “You’re gonna get what’s coming to you, bitch!” he yelled before peeling out in a squeal of rubber.

Kayla stumbled up the steps and into the salon, her heart racing. Chloe looked up from where she was sweeping around her chair after her last client had left. Something must have showed on Kayla’s face because Chloe dropped the broom and hurried over.

“Hey, honey, what’s wrong?” Chloe asked with her sweet Southern drawl, putting her arm around Kayla as she took one of the bags from her hand.

Kayla pulled in a deep breath as hot shame flooded her. It was stupid. She was stupid.

“It’s nothing. Some idiot tried to pick me up.”

Chloe reached behind her to twist the door lock and flicked the switch for the neon Open sign so that it went out. “Oh, honey. I’m sorry. I heard that jerk squeal his tires. Was he the one?”

Kayla nodded. She was still trembling. Why? It wasn’t like she Copyright 2016 - 2024