Hot Neighbor (Hot Billionaire Daddies #8) - Suzanne Hart Page 0,17

but I can’t stop that shiver from running down my spine. I’m picturing my panties in his hands. His fingers sliding them down my legs.

Why today? Why does he have to do this to me today?

“I don’t need your luck!” I retort poorly and walk away.

Is he going to follow me to the car? Isn’t he parked right next to me? I can’t help myself, I have to look over my shoulder…and when I do, I see him still standing near the elevator. He’s looking at his phone like he’s already forgotten about me.

I rush to my car and jump in. I can feel my heart thudding in my chest. Why do I keep letting him get to me? Why am I so weak around him?

I want to scream with frustration. Instead, I just start the car and drive out.

The Habitat office building is a tall corporate high-rise downtown that makes its presence felt by scaling the skies. It’s a modern design. Luxurious and glassy. I’m not going to let myself be intimidated by the structure. Not when they are the ones who want me under their wing. I remind myself it was their office that reached out to me and not the other way around.

I’ve got this.

I walk in with my head held high, but I can feel that aching twist in the pit of my stomach. I can’t stop myself from getting excited about the new potential my company could reach by working with an organization like this.

I give my name to the woman at reception and she calls someone to show me up.

A petite blond girl turns up, introducing herself as Erica, and she tells me Calvin Surrey is waiting for me in the board room. Apparently, my legal team has arrived already.

We make small talk in the elevator about the weather. Erica seems nice and I’m already warming to this place.

Calvin is waiting for me when the elevator door opens.

“Ms. Crawford!” he greets me and sticks his hand out.

“Please, call me Blaire,” I insist as he leads me down the floor towards the board room.

“Yes, we might as well get on first-name basis if we’re going to be doing business together,” he adds and holds the door open for me.

My legal team is here, whom I shake hands with. There are a few other men here I don’t recognize but Calvin introduces me to them as their legal team. I have already noticed how I am the only woman here. It makes me sit up straight in my chair. I have never allowed a disparity in gender representation make me nervous. Instead, it makes me want to prove a point. If these men think they’re going to take me for a ride, they have another thing coming.

“We’re just going to wait for our CEO to join us, and then we can begin. Mr. Davenport is running a little late today,” Calvin says to the room with a smile.

I look up at him with a start when I hear the name.

Did he just say Davenport? I don’t know any other Davenports…but this has to be a ridiculous coincidence!

My throat feels suddenly dry and I part my lips to say something. I need to figure out his first name. But it’s pointless because the door opens and Trevor steps in.

He walks in with his hand outstretched and smoothly greets the men he knows in the room with a handsome smile. Then he turns to me, and I wish I could just disappear.

This can’t be happening.



Blaire looks stunned.

I would have given a million dollars to see this look on her face, and as it turns out, I kinda am.

She had no idea I was going to walk in through the door. Behind me, I can sense Calvin observing the scene closely. He’s going to get a few laughs out of this too.

“And you must be Blaire Crawford,” I declare and turn to extend my hand to her.

Blaire is still staring. The color seems to have faded from her face. She takes my hand, but I’m the one doing all the shaking. She has no words for me.

“I’m Trevor Davenport, although I’m sure you know that already. CEO of Habitat Financial Group,” I say, and she slowly stands up.

She looks from my face to Calvin’s, and I can see the fire burning behind her eyes. I’m curious to see what her reaction will be. Is she going to maintain a professional air or lash out?

In her silence, she also turns Copyright 2016 - 2024