Hot Blooded (Jessica McClain) - By Amanda Carlson Page 0,72

toward me. “Don’t do it!”

I dove headfirst into the stream.

It hadn’t looked that deep, but as soon as I hit the water I understood. This wasn’t an ordinary stream. It was an underground lake. What appeared to be a small river actually deepened into a big cavern underneath.

The water glowed.

A strange light issued from under one of the lips in the shoreline, but I had no idea why. The glow was tinted green, so possibly something phosphorescent. I swam down farther and spotted the Naiad with Ray. She had him around the neck and she was diving quickly. He struggled against her, forcing them to sink deeper. He had used his fists in some capacity, because the Naiad was leaking something green from an eye and appeared to be furious. As I took a stroke closer, she wrenched her head toward me and opened a mouth full of sharp teeth like a giant fish.

I had no idea how long I could hold my breath, but I knew I wouldn’t die of asphyxiation. Passing out from loss of oxygen now, however, would not be a good idea.

I followed, and the Naiad bared her teeth again in a soundless hiss. She stopped and brought Ray around. Her face was beautiful, just as Naomi had described, but her teeth were wretched—needle-sharp tips running in several rows like a shark. Her long arms looked grotesque, bending at multiple joints. They held Ray close, trying to contain his struggling.

I maneuvered myself into a position to tread water vertically, facing them. “Come and get me, you freak,” I screamed into the water. I could hear my voice, but I had no idea if I’d made any coherent sounds.

She paused and then swam closer to me to investigate, with Ray in tow, one arm still firmly locked around his neck. Her feet were webbed like flippers, even though they sported toes on the ends. That was creepy.

“What’s the matter? Too scared?” I said on my very last ration of air. I had to breathe, or risk passing out, so as she swam closer, rage and menace etched in her perfect features, I headed toward the surface with a big kick. I hoped she’d follow, because if she didn’t I was out of luck. My head crested the top of the water and I opened my mouth in a big gasp, taking in as much air as I could. Now that I was supernatural, my lung capacity was much bigger than the last time I’d dallied in the water, and I was relieved.

“Jess,” Tyler screamed. “Kick over here and I’ll pull you out!”

I turned my head to face the embankment and saw the three of them standing on the very edge. Worry strained Tyler’s features, Danny looked horrified, and Naomi appeared calm, as always. “I think the Naiad is following me. Once she gets here, I’m going to engage her,” I gasped. “She’ll let go of Ray to fight me. Grab him and pul—” My mouth filled with water as I was hauled under. The Naiad had my ankle and was tugging me deep quickly as she dove.

I reared my body against the current, using all my strength, and latched on to the slimy hand that was clasped around my ankle. It was hard to see in the murky water, but it appeared she still had Ray. I wanted her to fight me and let him go. My hand snaked up her forearm, which felt oddly rubbery, and once I got to the elbow, I pulled quickly backward, giving it a snap. She immediately let go of me and howled, which sounded like a screech that would shatter eardrums above water. Our momentum stopped and my eardrums gave a defiant pop. I tilted my head upward, but it was impossible to tell how deep we were because it was dark above and the strange green light down here was muted.

The Naiad recovered herself quickly, throwing Ray to the side like a limp doll as she came at me. We have to get to him, I told my wolf. Air was already becoming an issue once again. We need to get angry or we’re not going to make it. As the Naiad came at me, raging, my claws elongated and adrenaline shot through my system. Everything enlarged in an instant, including my arms. As she swam into my space, I brought my forearm up and sliced my claws cleanly across her face. I knew my actions were fast, but Copyright 2016 - 2024