Hot and Bothered - Erika Wilde Page 0,8

bidding, and Noah remained beside Natalie, refusing to leave her for any reason. He smoothed her hair away from her face and whispered encouraging words to her, along with the plea for her to open her eyes, all to no avail.

He pressed his lips to the tips of her cold fingers, wishing he could breathe life and energy back into her body. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d ever felt so helpless, so filled with dread, not even when his parents divorced or when his father was killed in the line of duty as a police officer. The latter had been a tragic experience for him and his brother and sister, but he’d managed to compartmentalize his pain with a carefree, easygoing facade. It was a strategy that had served him well in life up until this moment.

It hit him hard that this woman had the ability to cripple him emotionally. Over the course of the months he’d been pursuing her, she’d somehow worked her way into his heart, in a way he’d never, ever anticipated. The thought of losing her tore at his insides and made him physically ill.

Finally, he heard the sound of sirens, and within a minute the ambulance was parked and the paramedics were ushering him away from Natalie and taking over. One of the EMTs asked him what had happened, and Noah told them what they needed to know so they’d have better insight to possible injuries.

Still unconscious, Natalie was transferred to a stretcher, strapped in and covered with blankets, then wheeled to the ambulance for transport to the nearest hospital. Noah followed, refusing to let her out of his sight. They hefted her into the back of the vehicle, and Noah flashed his PI badge to avoid any flack and said, “I’m going with her.”

Nobody argued as he climbed inside and settled on the bench seat opposite Natalie’s cot. One EMT went to work hooking her up to an IV, then taking her blood pressure, while another man checked to see if her pupils dilated when he flashed a spot of light in her eyes.

Bobby came up to the back of the ambulance, his gaze showing compassion and concern. “I’m going to take some eyewitness reports, then I’ll meet you at the hospital.”

“Thanks,” Noah said with a nod. “I’ll call Cole on the way and let him know what happened.”

The dual doors closed, and the ambulance took off, lights flashing and sirens wailing as they sped through the city to the hospital.

It was the longest ride of Noah’s life.

* * *

Noah paced restlessly in the hospital waiting room, surrounded by Cole, Melodie, and Bobby. It had been three hours since Natalie had been admitted, and other than a few vague updates that didn’t satisfy Noah, they still didn’t know her final prognosis. The wait was excruciating, and he was eternally grateful that he had the support of his friend and family to keep him company.

Scrubbing a hand along his tense jaw, he exhaled in frustration. The last time he, Cole, and Melodie had been in a hospital had been five months ago when their sister, Joelle, had gone into labor. Back then their presence in a medical facility had been a happy, joyful event as they’d welcomed an eight-pound, three-ounce baby girl Jo and Dean had named Jennifer. But today, the mood was somber and grim as the four of them waited for the doctor to give them an update on Natalie’s condition.

He took a drink of the dark coffee Melodie had purchased down at the cafeteria for them, the bitter taste adding to the regrets and guilt swirling within him. “If only I’d tried harder to stop her,” he muttered, speaking his thoughts out loud.

“Quit blaming yourself for something that was out of your control, Noah,” Cole said, his tone understanding. He was the same old voice of reason he’d been since their father died. “It won’t change what happened.”

Regardless, he felt partially responsible for the accident. Hadn’t he told Natalie that she was safe with him? He’d done a shitty job of protecting her.

He transferred his gaze to Bobby, who sat on a hospital chair, his dark hair as mussed as Noah’s. “Are you sure nobody at the scene saw anything out of the ordinary?”

“I’m positive.” Bobby took a swallow from his own cup of coffee, wincing at the strong taste that even a dose of sugar hadn’t been able to tone down. “Everyone I spoke with either witnessed her running Copyright 2016 - 2024