Hot and Bothered - Erika Wilde Page 0,39

seduced him, things had definitely changed between them, in a very good way. She felt closer to him, more intimately connected. He’d not only fulfilled her wildest fantasies, but touched her with tenderness and the kind of intimacy she longed for, as well. And she had to admit that even he seemed more relaxed around her. Less tense, and more affectionate.

They’d spent yesterday together on what felt like a date, and she’d enjoyed every bit of her time with Noah. When she’d insisted that she needed to get out of the house for fresh air and stimulating activity or she’d go mad, he’d hadn’t refused her request or tried to tell her she needed more rest. He took her to a movie, a romantic comedy that made them both laugh out loud, and they’d grabbed an early dinner at a restaurant before returning home.

She’d gone upstairs to change for bed while Noah headed into his office to put together files and paperwork on a case and make last-minute calls in preparation for his trip today. All she remembered was crawling beneath the covers, determined to wait for Noah so they could make love again, only to fall asleep and wake up in the middle of the night snuggled in his arms. She’d felt so content and secure, that just being cocooned in his warmth and scent had been enough for her. By the time she’d woken from a sound, dreamless sleep in the morning, Noah was already showered, changed, and had breakfast waiting for her.

Now, Natalie still wore a satisfied smile on her face as Noah drove her to Cole’s to spend the day with Melodie while he was out of town until later that afternoon. When she’d casually asked him where, exactly, he was going, he’d evaded the issue with, “It’s a private, confidential matter” and she’d respected the answer as part of his job as a private investigator.

“Here we are,” Noah said, his deep, smooth voice penetrating her thoughts.

She glanced out the windshield at Cole’s residence, taking in the two-story house, circular drive, and immaculate landscaping, none of which she recognized.

She sighed. “I hate to ask this, but have I been here before?”

He turned off the car and hesitated, seemingly distracted, then replied, “A few times.”

“I’m sure it’ll come as no surprise to you that the place doesn’t look at all familiar,” she said wryly, and when he opened his mouth to reply, she beat him to the punch. “I know, I know, give it time and it’ll come to me.”

A sexy grin eased across his mouth. “It’s good to know you’re retaining some things, after all.” He winked at her.

She made a face at him for his teasing remark. “Ha-ha. Very funny, wise guy.”

They exited the car, and Noah tucked her hand in his as they headed up the walkway to the house. Her arm bumped against something solid at the waistband of his jeans beneath his untucked shirt, and she knew immediately what she’d discovered.

“You’re wearing your gun.” Her voice was as startled as she felt. “Is this a dangerous case you’re investigating?”

He stopped under the awning covering the front porch and cupped her jaw in his big hands, his eyes warm and reassuring as they latched onto hers. “Every case is potentially dangerous. I always wear my gun when I’m out on assignment, and sometimes when instinct tells me to. I even wore the holster yesterday when we went to the movie and dinner.”

Surprise curled through her. “You did?”

He nodded. “Yep. You were snuggling up to my right side, so that’s probably why you didn’t feel it, but it was definitely there.” After letting go of her face, he rang the doorbell.

Seconds later, Melodie met them at the door, and as soon as they entered she immediately gathered Natalie in an enthusiastic hug. The embrace was warm and friendly and made Natalie feel welcome and part of the family. The sense of belonging was a novel feeling—another one she didn’t remember, but one she liked a whole lot.

Melodie stepped back to give her a critical once-over. “How are you feeling?”

“Pretty good.” As they walked into the spacious living room, Natalie glanced at the man still beside her and smiled. “Noah’s been taking good care of me. He’s a little overbearing at times, but we’re working on that.”

Noah’s soon-to-be sister-in-law laughed, her green eyes sparkling in pure delight. “He never used to be that way, but I guess it just takes the right woman to bring Copyright 2016 - 2024