Hot and Bothered - Erika Wilde Page 0,32

debating her request. “Do you even remember what you did at Murphy’s?”

“I was a waitress.” That much was clear in her mind.

“Can’t you just take it easy for a while?” He set his coffee mug in the sink, then crossed his arms over his wide chest, which accentuated his muscular biceps.

Standing, she dumped the rest of her coffee down the drain and stood next to Noah to argue her case further. “I really appreciate you being so concerned and protective of me, but I’d like to get back into the swing of things as soon as possible. I need to surround myself with ordinary, everyday things that are tangible to me, especially since so much is still so unfamiliar, like this house, living with you, our engagement…”

Noah averted his gaze, and Natalie wondered if she’d imagined the flash of guilt she’d seen in his eyes. She must have, because he had nothing to feel guilty about.

“I don’t want to wait weeks or months to return to a normal life, or what was my life before the accident,” she continued stubbornly. “And even though my memory loss unnerves me at times, I refuse to hide out here in your house, waiting for my mind to cooperate and finally rebound.”

Returning his attention back to her, he gently caressed his knuckles down her cheek and along her jaw, taking care to avoid the small bandage still covering one of her cuts from the accident. “You’re impatient and obstinate,” he murmured, though unmistakable affection laced his deep, sexy voice.

She smiled, but wasn’t ready to give up her fight. “Tell me you understand, Noah,” she urged softly, imploringly. “Your unconditional support is one of the things I need from you right now.”

Shoving his fingers into the front pockets of his jeans, he exhaled a deep breath. “You’ve got my support, but I’m cautious by nature and it’s a hard habit to break. How about we take things one day at a time and evaluate from there?”

His request was completely reasonable. “Fair enough.”

He arched a dark brow her way. “As for today, can we agree that you just rest and relax instead you rushing off to school for an exam you might not be ready to take yet?”

She nodded, accepting the compromise. “Yes, we can agree on that.” Pressing a hand to his chest, she rose up on her bare toes and placed a soft, warm kiss on his lips…and lingered, hoping he’d take the embrace to a deeper, more sensual level.

He was the first to pull back, and while his expression was reserved, she didn’t miss the flare of desire brightening his eyes, or the growing erection pressing against her hip.

“I’ve got some case calls to make and I need to get to work,” he said abruptly, and stepped away from her. “If you need me for anything, I’ll be in my office.”

She watched him go, then turned to wash the dishes in the sink. She’d hurdled one obstacle this morning with Noah, but there was another barrier she was determined to tackle.

Seducing her fiancé.


Noah entered the name, address, and phone number of Natalie’s old landlord in Reno into his cell phone, along with other pertinent information he didn’t want to lose track of, such as her previous place of employment. Right now, Natalie’s welfare was his first priority, and Cole had assured him that the other cases he’d been handling would be taken care of between himself, Melodie, and Jo. The reassurance allowed him to concentrate fully on Natalie’s situation and take the time to investigate the leads he had on her and her past.

He wasn’t at all pleased with her insistence that she go back to work and school, but he understood her need to return to a normal life. It was unrealistic of him to expect her to remain cooped up in his house until he nailed the source of the threat against her—especially since she had no idea her life was in any danger. And he wasn’t about to enlighten her of that fact and send her into a possible tailspin of fear and panic.

He needed to find out who was stalking her, and quick, because he had no intention of letting her roam off on her own without insuring her safety somehow. Going back to work in the evenings at Murphy’s was something he was willing to compromise on because he could easily keep an eye on her while visiting with friends and shooting pool. But until he nailed Copyright 2016 - 2024