Hot and Bothered - Erika Wilde Page 0,24

attention to the Reno, Nevada, address he’d confiscated from Natalie’s place earlier that day.

He opened up his laptop, jumped on the Internet and did an extensive search on an online database and a private network he belonged to that narrowed down her old address to an apartment complex. He scribbled down the manager’s name and phone number to call on Monday, then spent the next few hours making notes on the various sources he wanted to contact to get a lead on her background, as well as information on the kind of life she led in Reno—where she worked, who she dated and what had prompted her to move.

It was after midnight when he finally dragged himself back upstairs to his bedroom. He slipped into the darkened room quietly, squinting to see his way to the opposite side of the bed where Natalie had fallen asleep. He felt his blood chill when he realized the covers were thrown back and the bed was empty. The light in the bathroom wasn’t on, either, and a dozen unpleasant scenarios flew through his head before he could stop them.

There was a movement by the window, a flash of white that captured his attention. His muscles tensed, ready for action, his mind already contemplating the short distance to his gun tucked away in his dresser.


Natalie’s soft, husky voice reached him just as she stepped out of the shadows by the window and came into better focus. He relaxed a fraction, bewitched by the moonlight streaming into the room that silhouetted her body beneath his white T-shirt. Her dark hair was tousled around her shoulders, and a silvery, shimmering light haloed her head. She looked ethereal, and too damned sexy for his peace of mind.

He cleared his throat and stepped deeper into the room. “Yeah, it’s me. Are you okay?”

Her shoulders lifted in a shrug. “As good as can be expected, I suppose. I was just going to come looking for you.”

“You should be in bed.” Stopping in front of her, he narrowed his gaze to better take in her features, wondering if she was in any pain. “Do you need another Motrin for your muscle aches and your head?”

“No, I’m fine physically.” A small smile touched her lips and her eyes shone with uncertainty. “It’s the mental stuff that keeps throwing me for a loop.”

He gently rubbed his hands up and down her arms, warming her skin, causing his own to tighten in response to touching her. “Give it time,” he said softly. “You’re not going to regain all your memory overnight.”

Her brows puckered in frustration. “I know that, but when I try to sleep, my dreams are fragmented and confusing, and there’s so much I don’t understand. I see shadows and I feel like I’m running from something or someone, but I can’t grasp what the threat is, or if it’s even real.”

Her voice quivered, and he suspected her subconscious was trying to break through with the truth. Her big blue eyes stared up at him as if he held the answers to her secrets and the key to all her hidden depths. He wished he did, but he was learning about her past right along with her.

“I know it’s difficult, but the doctor said not to force yourself to remember, because that can possibly suppress your memories deeper.”

“I can’t help it.” Moisture glittered in her eyes, and her voice caught with emotion. “I feel so lost, and there’s only one thing I’m sure of at this moment.”

“And what’s that?”

Her gaze held his, the vulnerability etching her expression so heartbreakingly real. “My desire for you.” Stepping closer, she placed her hands on his bare chest and rubbed her soft, cool palms over his hot flesh. “What I feel for you is so intense and overwhelming, and I know you’re trying to be a gentleman because of the accident, but right now I crave you, Noah Sommers. I need to feel alive, and I don’t think I could bear it if you turned me down right now.”

In a move that stunned him, she peeled the shirt she wore over her head and dropped it to the floor. Sliding her arms around his neck before he could back away, she aligned their bodies from chest to thighs, and nuzzled her lips against his throat. “Make love to me, Noah,” she whispered huskily.

The blood in Noah’s veins sizzled and his cock thickened against her belly through his sweatpants. Her full, naked breasts and all her smooth Copyright 2016 - 2024