Hot and Bothered - Erika Wilde Page 0,19

she felt happy, despite every reason she had to feel uncertain. “Very,” she said, and darted her tongue out to catch a string of cheese from the corner of her mouth. His dark, lazy gaze watched the slow slide of her tongue, setting off a fluttering sensation in the pit of her belly. “The flavor is better than I remember.”

He chuckled, a low, pleasant rumbling sound. “You’re very easy to please.”

Before she could stop herself, she slanted him a flirtatious glance and asked seductively, “Am I?”

Slowly, he sucked smears of sauce from his fingers. “Yeah, you are.” Sexual connotation deepened his sexy voice, and a naughty twinkle glimmered in his eyes.

A smoldering heat flared through her, a sensation she didn’t bother to fight. “You’re a tease.”

The corner of his mouth hitched with a wicked grin, and a sable brow lifted with amusement. “You started this, sweetheart, not me.”

Unable to argue, she ducked her head and brought up an issue on her mind. “Noah, I’ve been meaning to ask…since we’re engaged, how come I don’t have a ring?” It seemed like such a forward question, but one that had become necessary in order for her to fill in more blank memories. “Or is it with my personal belongings from the hospital?”

He shook his head and took a long drink of his beer before answering. “No, you don’t have an engagement ring. We’d talked about going to pick one out together, but that was before the accident.”

She smiled, accepting his answer without questioning him further because it made so much sense, and they finished their dinner with a keen awareness swirling in the air between them. The more she was around Noah, the more she wanted him, with an intensity that kept growing stronger, and more insistent. And if she couldn’t remember being with him intimately, then she wanted new memories to replace the ones she’d lost. That much she knew for certain.

Standing, Noah tossed their empty paper plates into the trash and cleared the table, putting the leftover pizza into the refrigerator. He came back with a glass of water and two white pills.

“Here’s some Motrin to help keep your headache away.” He gently brushed a finger across her cheek, then urged her to take the tablets. Once she’d swallowed both of them, he asked, “Can I get you anything else?”

A loaded question, and one she handled with restraint. “I’d love a long, hot bath.”

He swept into a gallant bow that made her smile. “Your wish is my command.”

As she stared up into his gorgeous face, she wondered if she requested her true heart’s desire at the moment if he’d obey and take her right there in the kitchen. On the table, on the floor, up against the wall, she didn’t care, just so long as she felt his need for her in return. The naughty, scintillating thought tantalized her, teased her, and caused a pulsing knot of anticipation to pull tight in her stomach, and lower.

He grabbed her hand, led her upstairs, and she followed him into a large, spacious room decorated in navy-and-beige tones and furnished in dark oak. A king-size bed dominated the area, covered by a soft, rumpled comforter in a masculine design. She tried to remember making love to Noah there. While she couldn’t recall specific memories, her mind had no problem conjuring images of their naked limbs entwined and Noah’s strong body moving over hers, filling her, thrusting hard and deep as she arched beneath him.

The mental image was so realistic her panties grew damp, and much to her chagrin a whimpering sound caught in her throat.

Noah glanced at her, concerned. “Hey, you okay?”

If he only knew the truth…that around him she couldn’t get sex off her mind. Had this man always had such an instantaneous effect on her libido? If so, she was in big, big trouble because she didn’t know how long she could resist the urge to give in to the provocative fantasy that had just filtered through her head.

“I’m fine.” Her voice was husky.

“Okay.” He stared at her a moment longer through narrowed eyes, as if to make sure she was truly stable. “Go ahead and get yourself something to sleep in, and I’ll run you a hot bath.” He slipped through an adjoining door, leaving her alone. Seconds later she heard the rush of running water.

She released a deep breath that did little to ease the throbbing ache in intimate places. No, she didn’t think anything would be able to Copyright 2016 - 2024