Hostile Ground (The Arsenal #7) - Cara Carnes Page 0,115

arm. “I’ll see you later.”

He nodded.

“Your cousin’s been through a lot.” Logan sat on the stool in front of Kristof. “But he should recover with some help.”

“Good.” Kristof’s gaze swept to Jesse, who leaned against the far wall of the examination area. “What’s the treatment plan? I’m assuming you have one. Addy said there’d be one.”

“We’ll begin slow, let him acclimate to everyone and his new environment. Doctor Sinclair is worried that our compound will remind him too much of where he was held, because of the armed operatives and locked-down style of how we run things around here.”

Kristof tightened. He hadn’t considered that as a possibility.

“If he exhibits any issues, we’ll need to consider other treatment options,” Jesse said. “Sinclair thinks he may be more comfortable up north. Some friends of ours run a retreat-style facility in the woods. Rustic, remote, and homey.”

“Okay.” It wasn’t okay. He wanted to keep Olaf near him, so that would mean he’d have to go up north. What about Addy?

“That likely won’t be an issue,” Logan said. “We’re just going over possibilities now since we have you alone. Doctor Sinclair will likely speak with you soon, but I want to caution you about something as well. Olaf will cling to you. That’s fine for now, but she and I both want him acclimating to his environment without you. He needs to learn he’s safe without you there.”

That made sense but Kristof’s gut soured. He’d never considered the psychological aftermath of Olaf’s imprisonment and abuse. “And physically? The other doctors were worried about permanent damage.”

“I’m running some tests, but from the data they’ve shared, I’m expecting he’ll recover well. There is irreversible damage to his kidneys and liver, but it isn’t life threatening as long as we monitor his treatment.”

“Thank you. Whatever you need to help him, let me know,” Kristof said. “I didn’t bring him here to become a burden for you or The Arsenal. He’s my family.”

“From what I’ve heard, you’re important to Addy, which means you’re part of this family too.” Logan chuckled. “Not sure whether to congratulate you or offer my condolences.”

Jesse laughed. “We’ll get everything figured out, Lavrov. Sinclair is starting her sessions with him now. Once she’s gotten a pulse on his mental state, she’ll likely have me chat with him some. She thinks I can help him figure a few things out.”

Kristof had heard a little of Jesse’s story from Addy and her team. She’d shared enough with Olaf so he’d know he wasn’t alone and that there was someone he could talk with. The fact Jesse would offer to help and talk about something so private with a stranger deepened Kristof’s belief that the Masons and everyone else at The Arsenal were damned good people. The kind of person he’d once hoped to be—someone his mama would be proud of.

Footsteps dragged to a halt just inside the examination room. Kristof turned his attention that direction as Judson Jensen entered. The Judge. Their paths crossed many times during his work with The Collective. They’d each helped one another out of more than a few sticky situations through the years and had somehow become semi-friends. Maybe.

Kristof stood and closed the distance between them. The man-style half-hug eased some of the worries he’d had when he’d initially arrived at The Arsenal. The Masons were accommodating, but them and the other operatives weren’t fans of him and what all he’d done through the years. He felt as though he were about to run an impossible gauntlet to try and forge a relationship with Addy.

She was worth whatever it took, but that didn’t make the inevitable tension any easier to accept. Because Addy would be in the middle. He didn’t want to force her to choose between him and the people she considered family, but he couldn’t walk away from her.

“Heard you got pretty banged up,” Jud said. “Wish I could’ve been there to help you out.”

“You were where you needed to be.” Kristof smiled. “I hear congratulations are in order.”

The man grinned. Softness settled in his expression. “You’ll meet Vi and Destiny soon. I’d like you to sit with us when we head to the mess hall. Figured we could catch up.”

“That sounds good.” As long as he could add Addy and Olaf to the plan.

“Once Olaf is situated, you and I can go for a beer in town and chat,” Jud said. “I’m thinking we’re overdue for a conversation about a few things. I wish you would’ve trusted me Copyright 2016 - 2024