Horsemen's War (The Rebellion Chronicles #3) - Steve McHugh Page 0,9

ocean. If this lands somewhere and people are sent to check it out, a lot will die. We could scrub this whole place clean of them, but that would take days, at best. They’re not exactly the easiest things to hunt, and we don’t have time. This is the best lead we’ve had at figuring out where Arthur is.”

“And if he’s in Avalon?” Chloe asked as she returned.

“Then we need to figure out how to get into Avalon without it becoming a bloodbath,” Mordred said.

“Any ideas?” Hel asked.

“No,” Mordred admitted. “You?”

“Not one,” Hel said.

“Well, this is all going swimmingly,” Remy said, clapping his hands together. “Let’s go talk to the twatnozzle in the other room and see what happens.”

“Nate,” Diana said. “There are sirens at the stern of the ship. They’re keeping their distance for now, but they know we’re here. Are Viv and Tarron safe?”

I nodded and passed Diana a small radio. “Any problems and we’ll hear about it. Besides, we brought backup.”

Diana raised an eyebrow in question. “And who might that be?”

“Irkalla, Kase, and Isis are down there too,” I said. “Between the three of them, I almost pity anyone who tries to pick a fight.”

“I’m pretty sure anyone trying to pick a fight with those three deserves what happens to them,” Remy said. “I thought it was just you, Viv, and Tarron.”

“Well, it was decided that you all might screw up and blow the ship sky-high before we were meant to,” I said mockingly.

Everyone looked at Remy.

“As I mentioned earlier, I’ve never even blown a ship up,” Remy said before pausing for a second. “Okay, there was one time, but that was a boat, so shut up.”

“You okay with Poseidon being in there?” I asked Diana.

“Apart from wanting to tear his face off,” she said without any hint of exaggeration.

I left everyone to continue talking and entered the expansive bedroom, where Poseidon lay on the bed, his hate-filled eyes staring at me as I grabbed a chair from the side of the room and sat on it.

“Nathaniel Garrett,” Poseidon said, the words dripping venom.

“Nathaniel Garrett Woden to you,” I said.

His eyes opened wide in surprise. “You found out who your father was. I heard Odin is dead; that must have been awful. Good.”

I leaned back in the chair. “My father died fighting Avalon. I killed War for what he did. He did not die a good death. If you know who my father is, then I’m going to guess that you know what I really am.”

“A cross-blood mutt,” he snapped.

“If you want to think of me like that,” I said with a shrug as Mordred opened the door and stepped into the room, followed by Hel, who closed the door and leaned up against it.

“You’re both monsters,” Poseidon said. “Created from blood magic to be weapons. You’re unnatural. Hera told me about you centuries ago.”

“I assumed as much,” I said.

“That lightning hurt,” Poseidon whined.

“Good,” Mordred said. “You murdered a lot of people.”

“As I said before, the sirens did that.”

“And who called the sirens?” I asked.

“Well, me, obviously,” Poseidon said. “You going to unfasten my bonds, or do I have to lie here and stare at you?”

“You don’t really get to make requests,” Hel said.

“I should have killed you when I had the chance,” Poseidon said to her. “But I wasn’t sure whether I was going to get to fuck you or not, and it would have been a shame to remove such a piece of ass from the world before I got a ride.”

I looked back at Hel, who burst out laughing. “You really are a pathetic little ant, aren’t you? You think that being misogynistic is going to cause me to burst into some sudden fit of rage? I’ve been dealing with men like you my whole life. You think you’re stronger because you happen to have a penis, no matter how tiny or limp it is. You’re not. You’re not brave. You’re not strong. You’re just a child in a man’s body who never learned the word no and thinks everyone owes him something.”

Poseidon looked over at Mordred.

“You expecting me to do something because you insulted my girlfriend?” Mordred asked. “She could pull your lungs out through your asshole. I think she’s good without my input.”

“And let’s all thank Mordred for that lovely image,” I said, turning back to a considerably paler-looking Poseidon.

“What do you want?” Poseidon asked.

“You’re communicating with Merlin,” I said. “Using a summoning circle. We know about it. We know you were Copyright 2016 - 2024