A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,84

may never know. It is one of the hazards of the job. We do what we can do and let the system take it from there. But, if our suspicions are true and the cartels are in bed with some of the companies Treyson and Masters had access to… life just became more difficult for all of us.”

His father winced as he straightened. He’d aged since he’d become the commissioner. The grey in his hair was more pronounced, but it was the ever-present exhaustion that worried Brock the most. High blood pressure and a high stress job were breeding grounds for a heart attack. His father had always seemed invincible to him, but today, he looked worried, tired, and stressed. Granted, his oldest son in the hospital probably didn’t help, but…

“I need to get back to Briar Hill, but before I go, I’m going to spend a couple minutes with your mom. She’s worried about you, so cut her some slack.” He headed to the curtain. “Oh, and if you are released tomorrow, your butt will be at Sunday night dinner. It was only a .22 for God’s sake.” His dad raised a hand and ducked through the curtain.

Kallie managed to hold her laughter in for about two tenths of a second. “See, even your dad agrees.”

“Har, har, har. I’m still not amused.” But he did smile and then laugh. Kallie’s mirth was infectious. “How was my mom? Did she make your life miserable?”

“No, she was very gracious. I met your entire family.”

Brock closed his eyes and groaned. “You need these drugs more than I do.” He motioned to the arm with the IV in it.

“No, really. Bekki is a force of nature. She’s on Channel 2, isn’t she?”

“Yep, my little sister, the investigative reporter. Brianna owns Horizon. It is a nice restaurant close to Briar Hills. She’s quite the businesswoman.”

“Your brother Blay brought the entire fire station with him.”

“Yeah, if he was on duty, they’d all travel together. Did you meet Brody?” Brock hoped like hell she had. Brody was the sane one of the bunch, and he was closest to Brody.

“I did. We had a nice conversation, and your dad briefed me and him at the same time. Sean was here for a moment. He said he’d call you tonight or tomorrow morning depending on how his case played out.”

“He’s a good guy.” His best friend was more than that, but he wasn’t about to go into all the shit they’d done together. Things like sharing their first kiss experience… they’d kissed the same girl under the bleachers. Yeah, not material to share with your new girlfriend. A smile tilted his lips. His girlfriend. A damn good thought.

Her phone vibrated, and she glanced at it quickly.

"Is that from Davidson?"

She sighed and shook her head. "No."

"The ex?"


"Kallie, how many times has he texted you today?"

She shrugged. "Enough to be annoying."

"What is he saying?"

"That he is going to get to me, and I'll be sorry for putting him in jail. Bla, bla, bla. Paraphrasing, of course."

Brock drew a deep breath and gaged his words carefully. "Let me help."

She gave a humorous laugh. "How?"

"I have contacts in Guardian. I can have them put eyes on the guy."

She took his hand. "I'm keeping a copy of the texts. Right now, they're generic threats. I'm a big girl. I know he's out there. When he comes after me, I'll be prepared."

"We'll be prepared." He squeezed her hand.

Her phone vibrated again. She glanced at the face and rolled her eyes.

"If those threats change, promise you'll tell me?"

"I can do that."

His nurse slipped back between the curtains. “Detective King, we have a room ready for you. I’ve told the masses in the waiting room where to find you, but I also told them no more than two visitors at a time.” She glanced at Kallie. “We can let your…” The nurse looked from Kallie to him waiting for someone to fill in the blanks.

“Girlfriend,” Kallie said before he could.

“Right, girlfriend, come with you as we move you up.”

“Thank you.” Kallie smiled at the woman and stepped back when three more people in scrubs entered the area. The IV was connected to the bed. He was disconnected from the monitoring machines, and the brakes were released on the bed. He hated that he couldn’t walk to the room, but in all honesty, he’d make it about twenty feet before he’d have to rest. Those damn drugs really took it out of him.

Down the hall, up the

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