A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,75

lips, and they connected. It was a kiss of promise, at least on his part.

"Davidson probably shouldn't catch us like this." He leaned down and gave her one more kiss, chaste and soft.

"No, might not go over well." She leaned up and kissed him again. "But it was nice to have the time. A few minutes outside the madness swirling out there."

"An oasis." He verbalized his thoughts from a few moments ago.

"Yeah, exactly. A place to rest and revitalize." She turned to him. "That's exactly how I feel when I'm with you. Peaceful. It's really nice, isn't it?" She smiled and moved off the floor, reaching a hand down to him. "Come on, King. Up and at ’em."

He grabbed her hand and stood, not allowing her to take any of his weight. He stepped into her space and chucked her chin up so he could look into her eyes again. "It is more than nice." It was pretty fucking close to perfect, but it was too early to admit. He dropped another kiss on her lips and walked away, making it to the other side of the room before Davidson suddenly opened the door and walked in.

"What do you have?"

Brock and Kallie briefed their boss, and he listened carefully, asking questions when he needed clarification. They worked over the information and devised a plan forward. One that didn't rely on Cynthia's confession, but damned if they weren't going to push her for information.

"All right. I've got the information; I'll call Cliff over at the ADA's office and see if he can get us a warrant for financials. Samuel's won't be an issue. I need you to get me something from Dawson or Cynthia that implies this was a blackmail situation. Then I can run this up the flagpole and get a warrant for them and Sebastian Treyson's accounts. The good thing is the warrant goes straight to the banks and not through Treyson's army of lawyers." He motioned to Cynthia. "She asked for her phone call while you were in with Dawson. One of the uniforms escorted her to the phone. I extracted the recording. She called a number and left a message. Her message was, and let me quote, It's me. The cops picked me up. You'd better get me out of here or you know what will happen."

"Let me guess, the number was a burner phone."

"As far as we can tell. The line went straight to voicemail, so I don't think the damn thing was on. We may have a short window of opportunity. Get to her before whoever she called shows up."

Brock looked at Kallie as Davidson paused at the door. "By the time you have her under rights advisement, I'll have Bettis down here. He'll work anything you need. I've got Hansen working the other issues. We'll work it. Bettis will have a direct line open to me.” He yanked open the door. "You've got this. Let's wrap it up."

"That means we're up. Let's go play the Brock King variety of hardball."

Kallie glanced over her shoulder to make sure the door was shut before she turned back and waggled her eyebrows. "I love your hard balls, Detective King." She laughed and spun on her heel, leaving the small room.

Fuck, Brock reached down and rearranged himself in his jeans. He'd never interviewed a suspect with a hard-on before. Kallie would pay for that little taunt. A smile spread across his face, yeah, he could have some fun with this... he glanced into the interview room. Right after he got a confession.

Kallie was still chuckling when he stopped in front of the door. He rolled his shoulders and slid into interrogation mode. Kallie cleared her throat, and he watched as she slipped on a cloak of professionalism that they all wore.

"Game time." He said to her, and she nodded. He opened the door and walked in. Both he and Kallie sat across from Cynthia. The woman didn't move or acknowledge them. Brock slammed his hand down on the table.

The thunderous clap jolted Cynthia awake. "Fuck! What the hell?"

"Ms. White, you have the right to remain silent."

"What! Are you fucking kidding? You're arresting me?"

"No, ma'am, I'm reading you your rights."

She popped up on her one good foot. "Why do you need to read me my rights?"

Brock leaned forward. "Sit down and let me finish this."

Brock read the Miranda ending with, "With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to a lawyer?"

"Why are you reading me my rights?"


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