A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,48

for the next fiscal year. It lasted three hours and Samuel was in good spirits. One meeting was at the offices of Burroughs & James, Attorneys at Law, in regard to some ritzy apartment building Treyson was purchasing. The last meeting of the day wasn't a meeting, exactly. Treyson had a standing date for dinner and drinks with some of his college buds. The attendees varied from month to month depending on who was available. I'm trying to piece together everyone who made an appearance on Wednesday. The gentleman I spoke to indicated he popped in late, and Treyson wasn't there."

Brock was hearing this for the first time, but that was only because he'd been buried going through emails. "What time was that?"

"7:45 p.m."

"What time did the get together start?"

"6:00 p.m."

"Which was before Treyson called Chloe."

"He called her at 6:30."

"Right, so sometime between his closing on the building and before or during his get together with friends, he calls Chloe to cancel and heads to the warehouse."

"Right." Kallie nodded.

"Where was this get together?" Brock crossed his arms over his chest and ignored his lieutenant as he spoke.

"The Waterfall. You're thinking of their surveillance system?"

"That, and if they are regulars, what with this being a standing arrangement, the staff will know who they are. It will speed up the discovery portion as to who was there." He nodded, working off her enthusiasm, even though it had already been a long-ass day.

"Are we going to need a warrant?"

"Not if we use the right words."

Kallie narrowed her eyes at him. "Words like... media attention?"

He nodded. "That's right."

"Damn, if Jordan wasn't coming back, I'd partner you two permanently." Davidson snarked before he pointed to the door. "Go, I'll give Hansen and Bettis an overview and get them started. Find me that killer."

Brock gave his lieutenant a two-finger salute and followed Kallie out of the office. At last, something to work.

The trip to the Waterfall, an exclusive bar and restaurant in Briar Hill took about an hour longer than it should have due to an overturned semi, construction and detours. Fucking progress was anything but progressive. He slammed the car door and shivered as the night wind cut through his clothes and attacked his skin. They hurried to the front door where they were promptly stopped.

"I'm sorry, but there is a dress code. Tie and jacket for the gentlemen, cocktail dresses or business attire for the ladies." A dour faced man blocked their way into the main area of the establishment.

Brock presented his badge. "This is my tie and coat."

"Here's my little black dress." Kallie flipped her creds open at almost the same time.

"With all due respect officers, could I please ask you to go around the back? I'll inform management you're waiting."

"Ah, no Jeeves, that doesn't work for me. Call your manager up here for me."

"Sir, I must insist."

Kallie swiveled and looked up at him. "Can I arrest him for obstruction? I haven't arrested anyone today."

"Obstruction?" The man's jowls wiggled.

"Yeah, of a murder investigation."

"Murder?" That one sent his jowls into flight.

"Or we can just tell the press that the management of the Waterfall refused to cooperate with police." Kallie was having fun.

Brock crossed his arms and added, "Sebastian Treyson will be extremely upset."

"Please, there is no need for any of that. I'll call my manager right away." The man opened the inner doors.

Three minutes later they were shown into a state-of-the-art surveillance room by a harried, middle-aged man with a pot belly. He seemed intent on keeping them away from his establishment and clientele and almost shoved them into the security room. A skinny man-child with a mop of brown hair and black plastic-framed glasses too large for his face stood to greet them. He pushed his glasses up and pointed to the monitor on the far left. "That is from Wednesday night. I queued up the recording starting at 6:00 p.m."

He flashed his badge and gave his full attention to the man at the console. "Detective King, this is Detective Redman. How did you know we were looking for that information?"

"I'm Cory Sullivan. I hear and see everything in this place. You’re investigating a murder, although you didn't say whose. You told management you wanted to see the tapes for last Wednesday night."

Kallie chuckled. "You hear everything?"

"Hear and see. Some shit these rich people do... bleach couldn't wipe it from my brain." Cory chuckled and handed him a remote. "Hit play with this." He indicated the button. "Stop is here and the date

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