A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,163

tell. After high school, we both left for the military but found our way back to Hope City. We’re still best friends, although it’s a little harder to get together now with our schedules. His dad is actually the Police Commissioner.”

“Commissioner King?”

“Yep. Chauncey has been Commissioner for a while. My dad and he are still close friends.”

“How do they handle the pressure?” Blinking, she amended, “How do you? You’ve got the serial arsonist to deal with!”

“The press can be brutal, but we don’t have to deal with it. The department chiefs and PR handle the press, thank God. I want to investigate, not pontificate.”

She grinned at his words, and catching his eye, they both laughed.

“God, that was another cheesy line, wasn’t it?”

“I actually thought your turn of phrase was spot on, Sean.”

“Okay, smartass.” He grinned and leaned forward, planting a kiss on her lips.

She reached over and held his hand, giving it a little squeeze. “I really do respect your job, you know. It’s so underappreciated. I know the tasks you have to go through when investigating a site, but you have to put the clues together to solve a crime where evidence is mostly destroyed and perpetrators are often not caught.”

“The investigations go at a glacial pace, something the public doesn’t understand. Shows on TV have evidence collected and looked at the same day. Labs are immediate and even the investigators are the ones running the labs. Fuck, most of the time months go by and we’re still slogging through clues. Everyone wants a quick solution. A real bang-bang, shoot-em-up kind of crime solving.” He sighed and she squeezed his hand again, drawing his eyes up to hers. “Hell, the wait time on our labs is crazy long.”

“But what you do is important, Sean. You believe in what you’re investigating. You believe that the harm to people and property is important and should be stopped. Even if you never get the glory, you’re working to right the wrong.”

He held her gaze then closed his eyes, a pained expression moving over his face. “I’m curious about your lab technician.” Hesitating for another moment, he asked, “What can you tell me about John Simpson?”

Cocking her head to the side, she asked, “John? Um… he’s really helpful. He’s always available when I need to bring anything to him. I know he’s super smart, and he always takes the time to explain things to me, you know, in a way that doesn’t make me feel dumb.”

“Did you two date?”

“Date? No! He’s just a friend.” She waited to see if he was going to say more, but he shook his head and stood. “Sean, you’ve got nothing to be jealous of. Honestly, there’s nothing there but friendship.”

Bending, he kissed her again. “I’m not jealous, sweetheart. Just... well, just curious, I guess. But thanks for breakfast, Harper. Thanks for your understanding. But mostly, thanks for last night.”

A blush heated her cheeks and she smiled. “You don’t have to thank me for that. It was my pleasure, believe me.”

They kissed, long, languid strokes of their tongues before he pulled back, regret written on his face. “I hate to do this, but I really need to leave. I know it’s Saturday, but I promised my mom that I would get a few minor repairs done on the house. Dad doesn’t want anyone to do it for him, but he’ll agree to have some help.”

“It’s my day for laundry, housekeeping, and running errands as well.” Wrapping her arms around his waist, she pulled their bodies flush, relishing the way he tightened his arms in response, holding her close. “I’m glad you stayed last night,” she admitted.

He held her gaze for a long moment. “Are you up for dinner this weekend?”

Nodding eagerly, she grinned. “Absolutely.”

Glancing down at Smokey, he hesitated. “Will your cat be okay if you spend the night with me?”

“I’ll make sure to put some extra food down for him.”

“I’ll call you this afternoon before I pick you up.”

With another kiss, they walked into the bedroom so he could grab his boots and shirt. Standing at her front door, they continued to kiss until he finally said goodbye and headed down the stairs. Going back into her apartment, she glanced down at Smokey, and said, “I promise I’ll leave extra food for you, but buddy, you’re on your own tonight!”


That evening Harper waited outside her apartment building, waving as soon as she spotted Sean pulling up to the curb in his SUV. She climbed inside before he

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