Hooking - Kristine Allen Page 0,44

It didn’t take long before he worked free, and Baranov passed the puck back to Halvorson, who took the shot.

“He shoots! He scores!”

Everyone piled on Halvorson as we yelled and celebrated. Our line worked great together on the ice. No matter what, I had to admit that.

Kalashnik wrapped his massive arms around us all as we laughed. He and Baranov were cousins and had an almost telepathic ability on the ice. They were two of the best defensemen in the league in my opinion. Then again, they’d been playing hockey together since they were like three.

We had a 2-1 lead going into the last few seconds of the third period. All we had to do was play tight defense and we were set.

The buzzer sounded, and everyone piled out of the box as we celebrated in one giant huddle.

The game had been intense, but we came out on top, and we were off on Sunday with a late-night flight out for a game Monday night. We’d be gone all week, with away games Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

“Good fucking game!” Halvorson shouted once we hit the locker room, and everyone gave an answering roar. There were huge smiles on everyone’s faces.

Mine slipped slightly when I dug out my phone to see that Sydney had bailed on getting together after the game.

“Who pissed in your victory punch?” asked Halvorson as he tried to look at my screen. I gave him a disbelieving look and locked my phone before shoving it back on the shelf. We weren’t close like that. What the fuck made him think he could be all up in my space like that?

“Back off, dude. Jesus.”

He rolled his eyes and turned to talk to the reporters that were filing in.

After the brief obligatory question and answer, I showered and grabbed my bag.

“You coming with?” Baranov asked as he stepped out into the cool evening behind me.

“Nah. Think I’ll head home. Gonna soak in the tub and get to bed early.” I’d taken a puck to the thigh and noticed a bruise forming already when I’d showered. So that wasn’t a lie. I really did want to take a hot bath, even though I’d hoped it wouldn’t be alone.

Since I had all day Sunday off and so did Sydney, I wanted to make the most of it. Especially since she’d declined having a drink with us after the game. She’d said she had a family thing. At nine thirty on a Saturday night.

It made me want to pout like a toddler.

Jealousy wasn’t a feeling I did well. It took everything I had not to act like a greedy little fucker and beg her to be with me instead. The last thing I wanted to do was scare her off by pushing for too much time with her. But tomorrow, I wasn’t taking no for an answer.

“Who Wants To Live Forever”—Breaking Benjamin

My alarm went off early, and I woke disoriented. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember why the hell I wanted to get up so early. Then a text vibrated my phone in my hand.

Biker Boy: Hurry up. Get here ASAP or I’m picking you up.

Me: LOL. You don’t even know where I live

Biker Boy: Don’t be so certain. I have resources

My eyes went wide, and I scrambled out of bed. Surely he was kidding. I paused for a moment. Then I decided I didn’t want to risk it.

Me: Getting dressed now.

Biker Boy: LOL. Dress warm. Leggings if you have them


It didn’t take long, because I skipped makeup and shoved my hair up in messy bun. Thick leggings, a hoodie, my slip-on Vans, and I was out the door. Thankfully, no one was up and moving in the house to question what I was wearing. It was still fairly warm for as late in the year as it was. Then again, my parents and my aunt and uncle had still been going strong when I went to bed last night at midnight.

Dangerously on autopilot, I made it to Alex’s house without memory of the drive. His door opened as soon as I rolled in the driveway. I stumbled up the walk. “I need coffee,” I muttered. He had the nerve to laugh at me.

I glared. “Do you value you your balls?”

His hands hovered protectively over his junk as he continued to laugh.

“You think I’m kidding?”

“No, but I think you’re grouchy and not thinking clearly, because you get plenty of enjoyment from them.” He snickered, and I took a deep, angry

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